China can wipe out Los Angeles in half an hour – IOTW Report

China can wipe out Los Angeles in half an hour


China has allegedly tested a weapon of mass destruction capable of hitting London and other major European or American cities in just 30 minutes.

The People’s Republic reportedly fired a nuke called the Dongfeng-41, which has the longest range of any missile in the world.

It can carry up to 10 warheads over a distance of roughly 7,450 miles in just half an hour before hitting several targets at once.

This would mean Beijing could destroy the whole of London – which is slightly more than 5,000 miles from the Chinese capital – or wipe out any city in the West.


ht/ mel

24 Comments on China can wipe out Los Angeles in half an hour

  1. We buy what, 50% of what they produce? Not sure the Chicoms are stupid enough to bite the hand that feeds them. Besides, if they really wanted to destroy the USA, why would they take out LA? Or Faggotville, or their partners in NYC and DC? If I were a Chinese military strategist every major US city long controlled by democrats would be off limits.

  2. those xenophobic Industrial Feudalist Chinks are hyper-touchy because of their national inferiority complex. I can see them nuking us or the Philippines or Vietnam just because of some imagined slight.

  3. China would not attack Washington, DC.

    In 2014, Robert Bergdahl, the converted Moslem father of Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, already claimed the White House for Islam by saying, “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.“

  4. “China has allegedly tested a weapon of mass destruction”

    so what? we now have women marines.

    what did you expect china to do, just sit back and allow the USA to increase it’s military effectiveness by adding women to combat roles? the chinks had to combat our women warriors somehow didn’t they?

    the marines new motto:
    “semper fi unless it’s that time of the month.”

  5. Really? Lol. Bring it! They can barely drive let alone wipe their asses. And in a half hour, you’re hungry again too. At least work on making your food stuffs stay in my system longer before you go all postal with your Dong thing!

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