China Crushes Democracy Movement – IOTW Report

China Crushes Democracy Movement


Hong Kong found 14 pro-democracy activists guilty of subversion in the largest use yet of a China-imposed National Security Law.

They included former lawmakers Leung Kwok-hung and Helena Wong, journalist-turned-campaigner Gwyneth Ho, and ordinary Hong Kongers who joined the mass protests of 2019 such as nurse Winnie Yu.

They were among the 47 activists charged with trying to “overthrow” the government by organising an unofficial primary in 2020 to pick candidates who can run for office.

They would have “[created] a constitutional crisis for Hong Kong” if they had indeed been elected to the legislature, the court ruled on Thursday. More

12 Comments on China Crushes Democracy Movement

  1. I could give a shit less what they do on their own soil. But roughly 30% of their military currently lives next door. Someone discovered a Mandarin Web site explaining to these hostile invader how to secure firearms in America. It’s still up. There’s Youtube videos of these asshole training together. They’re throwing it in our faces. All legitimized by Captain Brain Dead.
    Now this is totally removed and separate from the Muzzie terrorist cell that are here, and organized.
    I’m going to take an educated guess and state that less than 18% of readers on this blog are armed and dangerous. Don’t ask that 18% to come save your ass if you haven’t considered your loved ones lives important enough for you to prepare to defend them. The rest of us will probably be damn busy.

  2. ^^^^ He was born and raised in Bogota Columbia. Does that explain shit? It does to me. No integrity. No sense of right or wrong. Just another dirt bag. He needs a first class ticket back.

  3. Gee – prosecuting people who believe in Freedom and self-determination.
    Where have I seen that, recently?
    New York and DC?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Remember Tiananmen Square, 1989? Those college students were the elite. They were Harvard, Yale, Stanfurd, Berkeley, all rolled into one. Their parents were all elite. They were the favored sons. And the CCP murdered them, just because they asked for a seat at the table. China’s government doesn’t care about anything except power.


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