China Develops Mutant Ebola that’s Lethal to Hamsters (So Far) – IOTW Report

China Develops Mutant Ebola that’s Lethal to Hamsters (So Far)

UK Daily Mail

Chinese scientists have engineered a virus with parts of Ebola in a lab that killed a group of hamsters.

A team of researchers at Hebei Medical University used a contagious disease of livestock and added a protein found in Ebola, which allows the virus to infect cells and spread throughout the human body.

The group of hamsters that received the lethal injection ‘developed severe systemic diseases similar to those observed in human Ebola patients,’ including multi-organ failure,’ the study shared. More

13 Comments on China Develops Mutant Ebola that’s Lethal to Hamsters (So Far)

  1. One question. Why?
    Or is just, “some people want to see the world burn.”

  2. Next step: Lethal to Humsters… mutants from Human/Hamster DNA from a forced vax that fux with our DNA.

    Our worst night mare: Heading to irreversible disaster by extinction as humans who take it.

  3. Sooooooo … who funded the research?
    Satan, himself?

    Or did Satan send his little prick Fauxi out with pallets of cash?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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