China To Deploy Laser Rifle – IOTW Report

China To Deploy Laser Rifle

They claim the non-lethal ZKZM-500 can burn through a person’s clothes in a matter of seconds and inflict burns up to a kilometer away. The weapon uses a rechargeable lithium battery and weighs about 3 kilograms. More

26 Comments on China To Deploy Laser Rifle

  1. Non lethal huh. Will not kill you but may blind you. Powered by self igniting lithium batteries. What could go wrong. The should come stamped For government use only to be utilized at riots, borders and other sites of civil disobedience.
    Up next, a laser race where every one has to get the latest killing gadgets.
    Israeli’s might find some use for them, if they don’t have them already. Merkel and Macron better stock up too.

  2. Domestic urban protest deterrent. Xi is now President for life, after all.

    So, Martian tripod heat rays? Apple had been working on that for years, then all their prototypes were suddenly hacked from a Beijing ISP.

    Just a coincidence.

  3. So?
    We have an Itch Gun that vibrates your pubes from two miles away creating an irresistible need for scratching pubes.
    They’ll be at it for hours. All in vain. The itch remains.
    This works as a force reducer as they will scratch for hours, creating severely chafed individuals that will need to be removed from the arena.

  4. … & the fact that Chinese batteries are notorious exploding devices …

    no wonder the Norks are so willing to get US technology … ‘so sorry Master Kim, another Chinese battery exploded & put our missile technology back another 10 years … I will go disgracefully kill myself now’


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