China Wants To Place Its Propaganda In Our Textbooks – IOTW Report

China Wants To Place Its Propaganda In Our Textbooks

National Pulse

The Chinese government-backed China-United States Exchange Foundation has waged a campaign to shape American K-12 schools, including attempts to “influence” textbooks along with funding organizations setting curricula in American schools. 

The China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) is founded by the Vice-Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which has been identified by the U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Commission as the “highest-ranking entity overseeing” China’s United Front. More

6 Comments on China Wants To Place Its Propaganda In Our Textbooks

  1. Before the Chinese can get their propaganda into the curriculum, they will have to buy off the teachers unions. Which should be pretty easy, since they are mostly on board with the long march through the schools. The Japanese and the British are going to take big hits in the history books, Rosa Parks may have to move back a couple of rows and the kids may see the softer side of Mao, but some sweet Chicom cash and some shilling from Dr. Jill should ease the transition to the glorious red educational future.

  2. Hey, why not!
    It goes right along with all the other propaganda that the Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media and our disingenuous Politicians are attempting to push down our throats and up our asses!


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