China’s Belt And Road Initiative More Like Whip And Chain – IOTW Report

China’s Belt And Road Initiative More Like Whip And Chain

China’s foreign policy program, The Belt and Road Initiative that the communist nation claims is the use of loans and financial assistant to create transportation links between nations, has become something else entirely.

Since 2013, the Chinese have been able to use the debt trap created for struggling nations to establish facilities and then force those countries to sign them over to their lender for 99 year leases. That’s when the new ports or air facilities are handed over to the People’s Liberation Army. More

3 Comments on China’s Belt And Road Initiative More Like Whip And Chain

  1. I watched the new PM of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, give a speech at the Oxford Union.

    Ms Brnabic, the first openly gay PM (in a war torn Muslim country), proudly explained the process whereby they are seeking to join the EU.

    More importantly, Ms Brnabic touted her superior negotiation skills as pertains to China and Serbia’s “partnership” in the OBOR.

    This woman truly has a death wish.

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