Bullying Jerks Drive Kid To Breaking Point Because His Name is Trump – IOTW Report

Bullying Jerks Drive Kid To Breaking Point Because His Name is Trump

They actually changed the kid’s last name.

(I’m not so sure EAG News did the right thing publishing this kid’s picture. WTF?)

EAG News-

“He said he hates himself, and he hates his last name, and he feels sad all the time, and he doesn’t want to live feeling like that anymore, and as a parent that’s scary,” the boy’s mother, Megan Trump, told WPVI.

Joshua Trump’s problems started in elementary school, when the 45th president announced his candidacy, but the boy’s parents thought things might be different in middle school.

“He was being ridiculed and bullied for the fact that his last name was Trump,” said Bobby Berto, Joshua’s father. “I pulled him out of school and homeschooled him for a year.”

Joshua’s parents met with school officials and teachers ahead of the school year to warn them about the boy’s past problems.

“New school, new start,” Berto said.

But the parents contend the Brandywine School District has done little to help their son, and the issues have only gotten worse.

“They curse at him, they call him an idiot, they call him stupid,” Megan Trump said.


The article also features a story about a teacher bullying a kid because he supported Trump. She constantly called him “Trumpy” when calling on him in class.


The bullied student’s mother claims the public school teacher said: “By the way, I hate Donald Trump with a burning passion and he is a complete douchebag.”

At the end of the class, the mother said the teacher put one last insult against her son, mocking his beliefs: “Now, you’re not going to fight me when we start talking about evolution, are you?”

EAG news did not publish her picture.

Her named was not mentioned anywhere on the internet.

That’s queer.



10 Comments on Bullying Jerks Drive Kid To Breaking Point Because His Name is Trump

  1. I was “put on trial” by an english teacher for not dressing up for some silly school celebration. She appointed a prosecutor, a defender and twelve jurists. I was found guilty. 50+ years ago. I’ve never had much use for people since.

  2. I’m an old fart, and TRUMP is the best President in my lifetime.
    The fact that people, however few they really number, seem so deranged over finally having prosperity and world respect just goes to show why I prefer the company of dogs to people.

  3. McNeil HS is local to me here in Texas, not my town but nearby. The game down here is they put the teacher on administrative duty, and keep paying them, and make it a “personnel issue that they can’t comment on”, and wait till the spotlight is off. The greater Austin Metro has a lot of liberal idiots, and more moving here from Kali & NY every day. This HS is a short walk from the big Apple campus here. It’s a shame, Williamson County used to be a nice contrast to Travis, but… I’m afraid the rest of Texas is going to have to build a moat around the whole metro soon.

  4. These degenerate morons are going to be ruling the entire country, and your lives, unless every conservative and freedom lover is actually willing to put a halt to their nefarious activities.

  5. Have parts of this country gone batsh*t crazy?

    But of course the kids can’t even find solace in the teachers anymore because 9/10 they are the ones that start it.

    Thank God I grew up in the late 50’s and 60’s and and we didn’t tease politically we teased because we were mean or witty.


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