China’s Going to Make Al Gore Cry – IOTW Report

China’s Going to Make Al Gore Cry


The governments of China and Russia are developing an agreement that would see Beijing purchase 100 million metric tons of coal from Moscow, the Kremlin announced on Friday.

“[A]n intergovernmental agreement with the People’s Republic of China is being developed, and the figure is 100 mln tonnes [of coal],” Sergey Mochalnikov — the Head of Department of Foreign Economic Cooperation and Fuel Markets Development at the Russian Energy Ministry — told reporters on February 18. More

Somebody needs to deep fake Al Gore into that old crying Indian commercial. – Dr. Tar

8 Comments on China’s Going to Make Al Gore Cry

  1. Are you kidding? This is what that cocksucker Gore wanted all along. He doesn’t give a rat fuck about the environment and never has. This is about him selling out the US because they didn’t let him become POTUS.

  2. “This is about him selling out the US because they didn’t let him become POTUS.”

    Naaaaahhhh … he was selling us out LONG before that!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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