Chitheads Are Blaming Abbott – IOTW Report

Chitheads Are Blaming Abbott

15 Comments on Chitheads Are Blaming Abbott

  1. They wouldn’t try to cross in the first place if they KNEW there was nothing for them on the other side.

    And I wouldn’t put it past the Feds to have dropped them in the river in the first place, possibly drugged or even already dead.

    Such is the state of “government” today.

  2. The odds are there are illegals drowning every day since they’ve been invited by the Xiden Administration to invade. Any illegals deaths that happen while crossing the border under Fed
    control aren’t reported by the leftist regime media.

    Now, because Gov. Abbott is trying to protect the Texas border and legal citizens in the state, the dire consequences of criminal risky activity by these illegals are his fault. Nope. This is all on Xiden.

  3. Marooned,
    Just like lawyers, “a good start”.

    Too bad, so sad, should’a stayed home.

  4. Reminds me of when we were kids.

    Mom: “Why did you do something so stupid?”
    Me: “Renee told me to”
    Mom: “If she told you to jump off a bridge would you do that too?”

    The people blaming Abbott would probably answer yes.

  5. “Three illegal-alien invading rat-people die while illegally invading America.”
    THAT should be the headline.

    Sorry – all three of them are volunteers.
    Nobody asked them to cross the Rio Grande.
    Nobody asked them to come here.

    All they had to do was stay home – live long – and prosper.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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