Chowchilla Kidnapping Documentary – IOTW Report

Chowchilla Kidnapping Documentary

In 1976, three idiots (2 brothers and the son of a millionaire) in California saw a state cash surplus. So they thought they could kidnap a bunch of kids from a school bus and demand 5 million dollars from the government.

They hijacked the school bus and hid it in the woods, taking the kids in 2 separate vans to a trailer in a rock quarry that was buried beneath the ground.

One 14-year-old boy named Mike Marshall was the absolute hero. He stepped up ad took charge, even though there was an adult bus driver in the abduction. Ed Ray was given a lot of credit for the esacpe, but it was actually the young Mike Marshall that saved them all.

The plan fell apart when the kidnappers couldn’t get through the tied-up phone lines to demand the ransom. Meanwhile, the kids escaped.

I highly recommend the documentary,……….. except for one part.

CNN and Netflix ruined it by including a shithead old women psychologist who threw in her 2 cents, saying this event taught us what pressure and trauma can do to a kid… SO WE NOW KNOW WHAT THE KIDS AT THE BORDER MUST BE GOING THROUGH WHEN SEPARATED FROM THEIR PARENTS.

Up yours, lady. The illegals are doing this to their children. THEY ARE THE CRIMINALS.

7 Comments on Chowchilla Kidnapping Documentary

  1. If CNN and Netflix are involved I won’t watch as iycan only assume it’s somehow tainted.

    Plus there is the fact that the stories been out for years and this is just Hollywood types redoing existing material as they no longer employ creative minds. (probably Harvard grads)

  2. See, that’s the problem with states run my conservatives. They have a surplus for co%#@Ing liberals to exploit! And if you can’t figure out whom I’m referring to it’s COCK SUCKING LIBERALS!


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