Chris Chrispy Chreme is Running, and Panting – IOTW Report

Chris Chrispy Chreme is Running, and Panting


Chris Christie officially joined the race for the GOP White House nomination Tuesday—giving frontrunner Donald Trump a rival more outspoken than most. The former New Jersey governor, as expected, filed paperwork for his candidacy Tuesday and he plans to formally announce the bid at a town hall-style event in New Hampshire Tuesday evening, the New York Times reports. Christie, who dropped out of the 2016 race and endorsed Trump soon after a disappointing sixth-place finish in the New Hampshire primary, broke with the former president over his false claims that the 2020 election was rigged and has become one of Trump’s most vocal Republican critics.

While rivals including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis have largely steered clear of directly attacking Trump, Christie has called him a loser, slammed him for failing to deliver on his promises as president, and accused him of inciting the Capitol riot, the Times reports. Christie sees himself as the candidate best positioned to take on Trump in the GOP primaries and appeal to independent voters in a general election against President Biden, CNN reports.

“I’m not dumb. The way to win is to beat the guy who’s ahead,” he said in a recent podcast interview, per the AP. “And so what would a campaign look like? A campaign would look like a direct frontal challenge to Donald Trump trying to return to the presidency.” 


18 Comments on Chris Chrispy Chreme is Running, and Panting

  1. He pulled this crap before. I recall Trump saying that Christy’s pissed at him, because Christy wanted a position in his cabinet. Fat boy also had lap band surgery. I may have to sit out this election.

  2. Governor Chrispy Cream
    Christopher McTwinkyStuffer
    Chrissy McDunkinDonuts
    Govnah McLiposuction
    Chris McDoubleWide
    Governor Bavarian Cream Belly Jelly McFatFuck

  3. By design, he’s the designated GOPee “Trump hatchet man.” I’m gonna enjoy watching The Donald make mince meat out of him. It’ll do wonders for this fat RINO slob’s waistline. And if Christie went blackface, you’d mistake him for Alvin Bragg.

  4. Since Christy chooses to do this, I feel free to root for his impending fatal heart attack. I hope it’s on a stage, and he rolls off it before they can stop his momentum.

    Comedy gold, Jerry, gold!!


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