Chris Christie Jumps Into the “Nickname Game” – Gives Trump One – IOTW Report

Chris Christie Jumps Into the “Nickname Game” – Gives Trump One

It’s not a bad effort, but the problem is no one cares that Trump is not debating. It would be stupid for him to show up. He’s been president. He doesn’t need to audition for the part.

25 Comments on Chris Christie Jumps Into the “Nickname Game” – Gives Trump One

  1. Lame. Hillary tried to make ‘Donald Duck’ happen back in ’16. She even had someone dress up in a Donald Duck costume in a lame attempt at trolling. Fat Christie ripping off jokes from Hillary is pretty pathetic, but totally on brand for that loser.

  2. Vote for the candidate the media hates the most.
    That’s who is taking the fewest pay offs.
    I still don’t believe there will be another election.
    The dick-tators will seize control.

  3. I watched Donny on Rumble.
    It made me Happy & Hopeful that He still has more energy that the rest of them.
    Viveck can make some great points but ultimately he gets irritating in large doses. (my opinion only). That could make him useful as a Veep.

  4. The GOPe candidate bench is an inch deep and a mile wide. We all know who these people are and who they represent, and it ain’t us. I wonder just how much the media and the candidates know how irrelevant they are to thinking people.


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