Chris Collins (R-NY): Mitt Romney should apologize – IOTW Report

Chris Collins (R-NY): Mitt Romney should apologize

Breitbart: Friday on Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Company,” reacting to reports that former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) might publicly apologize to President-elect Donald Trump for his criticisms of then-candidate Trump, Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) said he should “absolutely” make “a public apology.’

Collins  said, “Oh, yeah. absolutely. There’s no question Charles, by the way happy Thanksgiving. You know Mitt Romney said some awful things but now we are seeing chief excursive Donald J. Trump run and surround himself to the best an brightest. We’ve seen that’s how he operates in his business. And so I think as we’re seeing cabinet pecks he’s picking best and brightest.”

“He’s looking beyond if you will some of the comments folks may have made or who they were supporting,” he continued. “But I actually think Mitt Romney went overboard an he absolutely should apologize, whether he’s seek to be secretary of state or not. Donald J. Trump is the president-elect. He’s the Republican, and he should do that.”  WATCH

18 Comments on Chris Collins (R-NY): Mitt Romney should apologize

  1. His apology needs to be not only to Trump but to the American people, for doing his best to stop the candidate they preferred over both Republican and Democrat establishment candidates.

  2. Mittens will never be popular, will never be accepted by those whom he screwed in the last run against the Obabolator. He showed his true colors in that campaign, so let him go kiss Obabolator’s ass. Trump should be taking care of keeping the election recounts front and foremost. Shove the appointments to the back burners until this is settled. As stated before, it won’t make a tinker’s damn whom he appoints if he loses the Presidency over Hillary’s cheating.

  3. Is he just sorry he opened his mouth and misspoke? Or, is he sorry he was wrong? Or, is he ‘sorry’ because he wants some action in the new administration and this is how to get it? Anyway you cut it, he’s just a sorry ass. He needs to retire and shut up.

  4. Romney should not apologize any more then Trump should. They both said some pretty low things. As far as appointing Romney to any position that’s Trump’s decision now and I’d tend to go along with whatever he decides as he’s been doing a pretty damn good job in choosing his people so far. As far as Collins goes he was an early supporter of Trump and I’m sure this is meant to show his continuing support.

  5. I’m sure it’ll be a heart felt apology that will leave us in tears and wanting Mitt to sit atop Trump’s shoulder for the next 8 years.

    Go away asshole-take W, Kristol, Krauthammer & Ryan with you.

  6. Liberal bullshit. Do the crime and if caught, apologize. The conservatives, will always forgive.

    The absolute conservative truths, that liberals firebomb attack; forgiveness, rational thinking, allowing competitors back in the game, no racism, hate, or animosity, liberals will take generous helpings of while licking their wounds preparing for another back-stabbing attack. Liberals ARE vampires. Never trust them.

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