Chris Cuomhole Says Hillary Never Sought Dirt On Trump From a Foreign Country – IOTW Report

Chris Cuomhole Says Hillary Never Sought Dirt On Trump From a Foreign Country

“NO PROOF,” the coumhole says.

He’s maintaining that the Steele dossier wasn’t commissioned by the Clinton campaign.

THIS is cnn.


“Look, it’s just not apples to apples,” Cuomo argued. “We don’t have any proof that Russia as a government came and said ‘here’s value for you on Donald Trump and you can pay us for it if you like.’ We have the opposite proof, which is that they came time and time again with things they thought would help Trump and put it out there and his people around him were only too eager to try to get more of it.”

It has been determined since the 2016 election that the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the infamous Steele dossier that relied on intelligence from the Russian government.


It almost seems like his argument is, “The Russians never went to Hillary, they went to Trump. So what you’re saying is not apples to apples, because Hillary went to them!  Ahhhhhhhhhaaaahhhh  Gotcha!”



9 Comments on Chris Cuomhole Says Hillary Never Sought Dirt On Trump From a Foreign Country

  1. And this is exactly the squirming I predicted. Because of Trump’s answer the media is now being forced to not only justify Hillary’s paying for that crap dossier, but actually talk about Hillary’s paying for that crap dossier. I don’t know if it’s planned or what. But President Trump always gets these idiots to align with his talking points — even if all they’re doing is trying to explain how it isn’t the same!!

  2. Chris Cuomo is still considered someone to be quoted? Anyone from CNN is still considered someone to be quoted?

    Isn’t he the one who said it was illegal for anyone to possess hacked emails but for somehow the press has special dispensation?

  3. all their fruit is bad

    “In a twitter response to a person concerned about allowing adult males in the restroom facilities of women and girls, CNN host Chris Cuomo -a father of two girls himself- says the girls are the problem, and the parents are “overprotective” and “intolerant” for not wanting their 12-year-old daughter exposed to men in the restroom.?”

    why is he still on the tellervision?

  4. @ Dianny – Bingo, well predicted and what we have been waiting for, I was going to post the same thing more or less.

    Meaning, THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT IT NOW! And they do not even realize the implications of now talking about it, they are so stupid.

  5. the genius of Donald Trump … just a few comments (that they attacked him for) about getting ‘oppo research’ & they now have to backpedal faster than a Michael Jackson moonwalk & twist themselves into a pretzel trying to explain Clinton’s, the DNC & eventually Obama’s malfeasance

    luv PDT

  6. ‘Hillary’s’ creation for that crap dossier I think came after her reading way back in the early 90’s, from what her newfound FBI buddies, reported to her about what her pervert scumbag husband had been up to.

  7. toby miles JUNE 14, 2019 AT 10:03 PM
    “all their fruit is bad”

    …yup, and it’s OK to judge them by it, too, no matter what a liberal trying to progsplain the Bible may tell you…

    “15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

    17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

    18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

    19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

    20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. ”

    -Matthew 7:15-20

    (H/T to BFH for “progsplain”, BTW…)


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