Chris Matthews Suggests Trump Kill His Son-in-Law – IOTW Report

Chris Matthews Suggests Trump Kill His Son-in-Law

And of course. Trump is Mussolini.

And The Kennedys, which Matthews adores so much he’d like to bed one of them, had a president/attorney general duo.

But that was okay.



22 Comments on Chris Matthews Suggests Trump Kill His Son-in-Law

  1. MSNBC’s Il Duchebag
    I don’t care whutcha say about President Trump’s Tweets, nothing is as outrageous as what these shit-heads like Matthews put out for consumption by their teeth-gnashing, pearl-clutching, bead-strumming, dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, sheet grabbing, pillow biting, moisterizing-metro-sexually-confused, batshitcrazy Progressive viewers! Mussolini used to tie lying reporters across the railroad tracks.
    Choo-Choo Mutherfucker!

  2. Chris is ” Your Prolificly Odd Uncle ” Over indulgant and Touching Himself at Family get Togethers, while Pontificating on Trump’s False Negatives !

  3. The feds should SWAT him. He’s a clown and he’s gay and I’m sure he has bodies buried in his basement ala john wayne gacey.

    Make him prove he’s not a homicidal homosexual predator, he talks like one he looks like one, he’s violent like one.
    Prove me wrong Chris!

  4. This is example number 10,035 of the media’s blind hatred and bile they direct at President Trump.

    Anyone who listens to the Fake News Media is an idiot. These evil journalists are so in the tank for the Left that they make Pravda look like a solid documentary source. Goebbels would be so very proud of their deceptions and the “bigness” of their lies.

    MSNBC and CNN (and others) have zero credibility.

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