Christianity Today Editor Says His Call For Impeachment Was ‘Hyperbole’ – IOTW Report

Christianity Today Editor Says His Call For Impeachment Was ‘Hyperbole’

Daily Caller: Christianity Today editor Mark Galli said Sunday that his call for evangelical Christians to support impeachment was “hyperbole,” and he admitted “the pro-life issue is just one of many” where President Donald Trump is in sync with evangelicals.

“In one sense my call for his removal was on the order of hyperbole in this regard: the odds of that happening by election or by the Senate are actually probably fairly slim at this point,” Galli told CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” admitting later, “I don’t have a strategy” and telling journalists, “You guys figure that out.”

Galli’s editorial last week, in a magazine that was founded by evangelist Billy Graham, engendered both anger and disbelief with a faith group that solidly supports the Trump presidency. Franklin Graham not only criticized Galli’s opinion but declared that his father had voted for Trump.

“What I’m really arguing in the piece fundamentally is that the president is unfit for office,” Galli’s said Sunday. “Now, that may be a distinction without a difference, but the point is, and I’m not really speaking politically. I’m not making a political judgment, because that’s not our expertise at Christianity Today. I am making a moral judgment that he’s morally unfit … ”

But Galli then said he wasn’t judging Trump for his personal morality but his public morality. “None of us are perfect. We’re not looking for saints. We do have private sins, ongoing patterns of behavior that reveal themselves in our private life that we’re all trying to work on. But a president has certain responsibilities as a public figure to display a certain level of public character and public morality and the point of my argument is not to judge him as a person in the eyes of God. That’s not my job.” read more

28 Comments on Christianity Today Editor Says His Call For Impeachment Was ‘Hyperbole’

  1. Wonder what standards he uses to judge fit and unfit?

    Mat 7:1-2 “Stop judging so that you will not be judged. Otherwise, you will be judged by the same standard you use to judge others. The standards you use for others will be applied to you. -GW

  2. “Hyperbole”?

    Huh, I didn’t know that word meant “Stupid Asshole Saying Stupid Things”, that’s not the USUAL definition, but you know how Democrats are always redefining things…

  3. Brown Eyed Girl
    DECEMBER 23, 2019 AT 12:35 PM
    “God has used a lot of people most would consider morally unfit to do many amazing things.”

    …truth. even Satan serves God’s purposes whether he wants to or NOT, just ask Job and Jesus how that works, to name but two…

  4. “I think he is a bum and unfit for office, but my call for his impeachment was hyperbole because I know it won’t happen.”

    That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

  5. RadioMattM
    DECEMBER 23, 2019 AT 1:25 PM
    ““I think he is a bum and unfit for office, but my call for his impeachment was hyperbole because I know it won’t happen.”

    That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.”

    …you are correct, sir, that is a very confused statement.

    And God is not the author of confusion.

    ..THAT is how you know that God’s not IN it.

  6. Franklin Graham needs to get this leftist hijacking of “Christianity Today” in check. He can afford to buy it and fire the reporbate staff. This is ridiculous.
    Always considered the Grahams to be moderate Republicans, who lean liberal, not solid conservative, which may be the reason for this diabolical fiasco.

  7. This is a complete answer to prayer! Claudia hit it. Don’t you just LOVE how Trump has exposed all the evil in this country at every single level?? In the CIA, NSA, FBI, Judiciary, legislature, state gov, the media, Hollyweird and the Church both Catholic and Protestant. Thank you Lord Jesus and please continue to use Trump as your instrument in continuing to expose these people and putting this Country back on the right track. AMEN!

  8. Claudia DECEMBER 23, 2019 AT 2:39 PM
    “Yeah, he can backpedal all he wants. We now know who and what he is.


    …indeed, yes. Our President is certainly exposing the evil ones for what they ARE, none seem able to hide from being their TRUE selves in response to him, almost like the Lord is using him to reveal the wicked to us, or something…

    “1 In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

    2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.

    3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.”
    Luke 12:1-3

    God can use ANY man to serve His purpose. Even a President, if He so wills it…


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