Christopher Steele Dodged Congress’s Interview Requests, But Chuck Grassley Found A Solution – IOTW Report

Christopher Steele Dodged Congress’s Interview Requests, But Chuck Grassley Found A Solution


A lawyer for a Russian businessman suing BuzzFeed News over the infamous Steele dossier says he will provide the Senate with a video of a deposition that Christopher Steele, the document’s author, gave as part of the BuzzFeed lawsuit in June.

Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the judiciary panel, asked Val Gurvits, a lawyer for Boston Legal Group, to provide a transcript and video of a deposition that Steele gave in London on June 18 as part of a lawsuit against BuzzFeed in a July 25 letter.

Gurvits’s client, Aleksej Gubarev, is suing the media company for defamation for publishing the dossier. The 35-page document, which Steele wrote while working for the Clinton campaign and DNC, accuses Gubarev of being a Russian spy and using his web hosting companies of stealing information from the DNC’s computer systems.

BuzzFeed published the dossier on Jan. 10, 2017. Gubarev has accused the outlet of failing to investigate the dossier’s claims before publishing the report.

Gurvits tells The Daily Caller News Foundation that the Gubarev legal team plans to comply with Grassley’s request.

“My client has instructed me from the very beginning of this lawsuit to fully cooperate with all US government requests,” he said.

Congressional committees investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election have failed so far to interview Steele, a former MI6 officer based in London.  MORE HERE

7 Comments on Christopher Steele Dodged Congress’s Interview Requests, But Chuck Grassley Found A Solution

  1. What do you think the chances are that this country’s “Law Enforcement” and its “Legal” system will actually allow Boston Legal Group to provide that transcript and video to Senator Grassley?

    And are you willing to bet on that?

  2. “Boston Legal” – is that the one starring William Shatner? I guess we’ll next see him heading up the Space Force.

    So nice a major entertainment name is on our side.

    Never mind.

  3. I thought Steele’s Buzzfeed deposition was floating around over a year ago, hence that’s how McCain’s involvement became known.

    Such a shame we can fund Mueller’s 1.8 mil/per month farce, yet have to get a copy of a copy of Steele’s dirty deeds from outside sources.


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