Breitbart: Hillsborough County, Florida, Sheriff Chad Chronister withdrew his name from consideration to lead the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

In a post on X, Chronister issued a statement describing it as an “honor of a lifetime” to have been selected by President-elect Donald Trump to lead the DEA. Chronister added that he had “concluded” that he should withdraw his name from consideration for the role, noting that “there is more work to be done for the citizens” in his county. more
It seems he was a poor choice to begin with. Clay Higgins might be available.
A Coof Nazi who arrested a Pastor for obeying God and prevented him from ministering to his flock in dire need.
He doesnt need to lead an agency,
He needs to be ARRESTED by one.
How in hell was this turd nominated?
Sheriff Grady Judd would be terrific but I don’t think the good people of Polk County Florida would be willing to let him go.
If what has been reported about him by MAGA folks, then this is good. But I wish POTUS Trummp’s inner circle of advisors would do a better job of sussing out these nominee’s background BEFORE they embarrass our president with these false moves. I think many of us are hyper-sensitive — rightly or wrongly — to missteps, bungling, and the disappointment of weakened campaign promises. This current gov’t needs to be killed in its crib if we have any hope of getting our republic back. Weakness and head fakes in leadership now will be a disaster for us, and it would be a terrible slap in the face to people like Scott Pressler, who fought so hard to get this president back in office.
Come on, guys! Do better!
The Leftists were all crapping their knickers in joy thinking they had one of their own being nominated to an important position.
Thank God! He seems really unstable. A possible “down low” DEI hire with a God-hating agenda.
President Trump better get it together. MAGA will not tolerate these type of individuals in his administration. Whomever advised him on this disastrous nomination is a snake in the grass who needs to be “outed” kicked to the curb.
…What’s more, I thought they already had the entire line-up ready to plug-and-play. Now it seems they are still going through rushed short-listing and vetting.
They should have put Elon in charge of this. He seems pretty ruthless and has all the resources to shine a flashlight in places no one would think to look.
Covid was a serious test and 90+% FAILED miserably. If you are the kind of boot-licking douche that locks up pastors for holding church services while happily making sure the liquor stores and Walmart are open for business, then YOU belong in prison, not heading ANY government agency – least of all one as horrible, corrupt, and morally bankrupt as the DEA. They are just the EXTREME VIOLENCE arm of bigPharma’s government protection detail.
When I learned of this person, I had never heard of him. So I searched his name, read a few headlines and pulled him up on TwitterX. In 5 minutes I concluded no way I want this guy on my team. How could Trump be this lazy? He needs to fire whoever made this recommendation.
And I agree the guy should be arrested for violating the 1st A.
Trump is too easily persuaded by his family advisors, who have crap advice for him. Not sure if it’s the daughter or son-in-law, but as expressed above the simple vetting that would shortcircuit these missteps would build confidence that his second term won’t self sabotage like the first.
Who the heck recommended him?
What is that legal advice: never ask a question to which you don’t already know the answer. NOTHING about the Senate “advice and comsent” process, or media dirt digging should come as a surprise.
“Why waste your money looking up your family tree? Just go into politics and your opponent will do it for you.”
-Mark Twain
no vaxx/gun control *******
Any asshole who doesn’t recognize that the democrats moved so far to the crazy ass left that now center left people are supporting Trump needs to be a million miles away from the Trump II administration because they’re working off the 2020 paradigm and are two stupid to notice things have changed.
Who ever recommended this clown should be shown the door!
no vetting by the frenetic butt inspector assholes, hell no. those cunts should have to pass a colonoscopy-vetting to keep their jobs.
“Whoever comes to you with this meeting, he’s the traitor. Remember that.”
I will guess Pam Bondi recommended him and I don’t like her either.
remember Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman? Pam Bondi allowed the case to be about race. The police, detectives and the first prosecutor said it was an open and shut self defense. Nobody wanted a trial except Pam Bondi and Gov Rick Scott. Just pandering.
And remember the “sound witness” janteal who could not read her own statement because someone wrote it for her in cursive. Bondi knew Janteal was a fake witness.
no trayvon hoaxer-bitches
@ MrLiberty
Don’t forget the strip clubs and pot stores were allow to stay open. And them telling us we could only have so many people in our house for Thanksgiving!
Rodney did us all a favor and stood up this bs.
I’m glad team Trump is listening to his base.
“I’m glad team Trump is listening to his base.” What, the guy withdrew his name for the nomination that Trump made. Trump did not withdraw the nomination.
And now they’re talking about ditching Hegseth. Sheesh. Get a grip, Trump. It looks like we’re heading for Trump disaster mark 2.
a cunt in tx-fema tried to admonish us serfs to wear masks @ family events during 4th of july – i told it what to suck & when.
at least one mfkng robe-****** in tx had people running small businesses jailed.
covid *******, start running
I watched some videos of this guy and all I could think of was that youtube challenge: “Tell me you’re a pickle-smoocher without telling me you’re a pickle smoocher”. Just another cultural marxist putting ideology ahead of country.
Trump is doing fantastic! Thank you President Trump.
“I’m glad team Trump is listening to his base.” What, the guy withdrew his name for the nomination that Trump made. Trump did not withdraw the nomination.
You actually think the guy withdrew all on his own? You don’t think he got a phone call from Trump to withdraw?
Trump is doing just fine! 90% of his picks are making the Dems shit in their pants.
WTF Trump? You dodged a huge mistake