Chuck Schumer’s drunky aide forced to resign over improper sexual relationships – IOTW Report

Chuck Schumer’s drunky aide forced to resign over improper sexual relationships

DC: Schumer Aide Misconduct Revealed During Late-Friday News Cycle.

A top aide to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer was reportedly quietly forced to resign in November 2018 over improper sexual relationships with junior staffers that made some of his colleagues uncomfortable.

Matt House announced in November 2018 he was leaving Schumer’s office, where he had served as communications director for the past six years. Prior to that, he worked for Joe Biden’s 2008 presidential campaign.

Speculation swirled about why House left his prestigious role, especially given that he did not transfer into another high-profile gig.

But according to The Huffington Post, House was forced out because of inappropriate sexual relationships with Schumer staffers.

HuffPo reported the story Friday night, while all eyes were on Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat who admitted to wearing blackface or a KKK robe in a 1984 yearbook photo.  MORE HERE

11 Comments on Chuck Schumer’s drunky aide forced to resign over improper sexual relationships

  1. “I have always respected all of my colleagues and I was horrified to learn that I made anyone feel uncomfortable. In the past three months, I’ve stopped drinking and I’ve committed to making myself a better colleague and person.”

    The proper penance would be for him to pen a nasty tell-all book about Chuck.

  2. just like crayon eating, short bus riding, window licking, mouth so big he could eat the whole thing, smirking prince andrew cuomo, of course botox nancy’s muff cleaner, smucky chucky shroomhead schumer didn’t know what his staff was up too but we can trust them to make laws that rule over our lives.

  3. Our moral superiors should direct their accusing finger inward for a change. Crying Chuck dismissed the groping pervert as quietly as possible so he could continue his charade of virtue.

  4. Aaaaaannnnnd of course for the past 6 years Schmuckles never new aaaaanything about about it cuz it wuzn’t until one morning last fall Matt (Out) House just woke up one morning and said to himself:
    “Self, it seems like a good day to start sexually harassing young staffers. Yessiree!”

    Anybody buying that one?
    I’m pretty sure this dipshit has a looong history this and it wasn’t out of sight by Schmuckles.

  5. So, how much was paid out of the taxpayers’ pockets by the Office of Compliance to the victimized staff?

    Dude didn’t just “up and resign” as a matter of conscience.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Was watching the documentary FYRE last night on Netflix, and toward the end, another Schumer high-up muckety muck staffer was involved in that whole mess as well, at least as far as influence peddling goes…

  7. Dianne feinstein’s aide was a commie spy for 20 years. Schumer’s aide was a perv. Hillary clinton’s – her everyone – were pervs or radical muslims.

    These are the democrats: pervs and seditionists pay them for protection, and they provide it.

  8. “Prior to that, he worked for Joe Biden’s 2008 presidential campaign.”

    Seems to me this dirtbag didn’t learn his “skills” from Chuckles, but from Uncle Joe…

  9. Everybody uses the Friday Night Dump tactic and I’ve often wondered why Fox doesn’t create a half hour late Friday nights to publish (with comment) to broadcast these stories. I suspect it would gain quite a following until they usual suspects started releasing this stuff on Saturdays.

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