Chuck Todd says Jeb Bush should avoid any debates with Trump – IOTW Report

Chuck Todd says Jeb Bush should avoid any debates with Trump



Big Government– On July 12 Meet The Press host Chuck Todd responded to the groundswell Donald Trump’s opposition to illegal immigration has garnered by pointing out that Jeb Bush could get around being confronted by Trump by simply refusing to take part in any debate in which Trump is allowed.

After all, Todd painted Trump’s stand for secure borders as reminiscent of “George Wallace and things like [that].” This opens opens the door for Bush to say he won’t debate Trump on principle–although dodging the debate would actually be a last ditch effort to avoid having Trump go step by step through Bush’s immigration record in front of primary voters

Speaking in Phoenix on July 11, Trump provided a small glimpse into how familiar he is with Bush’s immigration record and beyond, and gave everyone a taste of how relentless the attack on Bush’s record and policies will be.  MORE


14 Comments on Chuck Todd says Jeb Bush should avoid any debates with Trump

  1. WAAAAaaaaa! I don’t wanna play in your game. You play too rough!

    Hey, douchebags! It ain’t called The Bigs for nuthin’. The old saying ISN’T, if you can’t stand the heat, avoid the kitchen. It’s — if you can’t stand the heat, GET OUT of the kitchen. In other words libtards and RINOs, GET OUT OF THE PRESIDENTIAL RACE IF YOU DON’T WANT TO FACE REALITY!


  2. However, I’d have to agree that IS his best course of action…just avoid debating anyone who isn’t spewing the “moderate” drivel.

    Don’t think it’s going to do him any good though. My guess is that jeb is toast. But I’ve sure been wrong before.

  3. …”although dodging the debate would actually be a last ditch effort to avoid having Trump go step by step through Bush’s immigration record in front of primary voters”

    Please remind me why going “step by step through his immigration record in front of primary voters” can’t be done without Jeb present.

    Seems to me that that is why Jeb needs to show up – only chance he has against that.

    Either way, he’s toast.

  4. If Trump is as bad/wrong as the MSM keeps saying he is, I would think that any half-competent politician would be champing at the bit to put him in his place.
    C’mon, Jeb! Get in there and show us what you got…
    Right, Jeb?…
    …Hey, anybody seen Jeb?

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