CIA Report Concludes “Havana Syndrome” Not Caused By Foreign Entities – IOTW Report

CIA Report Concludes “Havana Syndrome” Not Caused By Foreign Entities

Fox News

A new CIA document reportedly states that bizarre illnesses being attributed to “Havana Syndrome” are not the results of an attack by a foreign power, but those findings are being challenged by a whistleblower who claims the agency is hiding something.

An NBC News report late Wednesday night citing “six people briefed on the matter” said that, according to an interim report by the CIA, hundreds of supposed Havana Syndrome cases could plausibly be attributed to other things, even though roughly two dozen remain unexplained. More

So what is it? Revolver makes a compelling case that it’s psychosomatic and a disease of elite hypochondriacs. Here

21 Comments on CIA Report Concludes “Havana Syndrome” Not Caused By Foreign Entities

  1. Riiight. Not a foreign power. So our choices are:

    1. The Bermuda Triangle
    2. Chupacabras
    3. Sasquatches
    4. Chem trails
    5. Aliens
    6. Astral projection
    7. Inter-dimensional rifts
    8. Demons
    9. Ghosts
    10. The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

  2. The degree of certitude by which the CIA holds firm (Plug-in any other Fed L.E. agency, still applies) is inversely proportional to the level of truth in that claim.

    I’m sure Newton came up with a mathematical formula for this phenomenon but he was too busy dodging apples to properly codify it.

  3. Hmmm, what else could plausibly be attributed to other things? If only those investigators worked for the CDC. Of course, now that the Obama’s third term is struggling because of Covid-19, dying with covid and not because of covid is now an official thing.

    Always trust the scoience.

  4. Not caused by foreign entnties?
    Then it must be caused by domestic entities.

  5. Loud farts with CIA gas made them all go wackadoodle.
    Yep that what happened.
    Hyper sonic noise will kill you.
    Most of my tools will cut off your fingers and make you go deaf.
    I love them and I know how to use them.

  6. Revolver makes a compelling case that it’s psychosomatic and a disease of elite hypochondriacs.

    Crazy princesses? Being hired by crazy princesses? To make crazy princess’ dreams come true?

    That could never happen!

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