FPM: The worst anti-Semitic hate crime of 2018 took place outside a restaurant in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Izmir Koch, an Ahiska Turkish migrant who had already been in trouble with the law, allegedly demanded to know if there were any Jews around. A man who been at the restaurant replied that he was Jewish. Izmir punched him in the head, and then kicked him while he lay on the ground.
The victim, who wasn’t actually Jewish, suffered bruised ribs and a fractured eye socket.
Now a federal grand jury has indicted Izmir for committing a hate crime. The violent assault was the single worst anti-Semitic hate crime of 2018. So far. And it’s generated very little interest from the same activists and media outlets who had been accusing the White House of not acting against anti-Semitism.
Izmir had already been facing two counts of felonious assault, one involving a deadly weapon, from 2016. He was found guilty a month after the Cincinnati assault, along with a number of comrades and family members. That assault had taken place outside their trucking company in Dayton, Ohio.
A former employee had come to collect the money that he was owed, and Izmir Koch, Baris Koch, Sevil Shakhmanov and Mustafa Shakhmanov allegedly assaulted him with crowbars, and possibly brass knuckles and a baseball bat. The victim, who apparently had a knife, fought back.
Izmir, Boris and Murad were Turkish Muslims from the former Soviet Union who had migrated to this country. A few years before that fight, the local media was talking up their “positive impact” on the community in Dayton. But it didn’t take long for the legal problems to begin. The benefits of bringing these Turkish Muslims to Dayton were quickly outweighed by the violence they had brought. more here
Deport them all! The whole savage
shit stain family.
Notice how this never makes the evening fucking news. Funny how it always works out that way. And, golly, isn’t it great that our fine leadership class saw fit to give this psychopathic raghead piece of shit a place in our society, where he clearly could only bring wonderful things and good cheer.
In may years in large companies, I’ve worked with all sorts of of nationalities, and my experience with Turks is as follows:
1. A lot of Turkish women are pretty damn hot.
2. I have yet to meet a Turkish male who wasn’t a complete fucking cunt.
What, the guy who got sucker-punched thought he was getting a prize for being a Jew? Dude.
A criminal mohammedan?!?!
Wait for it…
Deport the whole tribe.
Turkey has evolved into a shit hole Muslim country. Their roots run deep with wrestling. Way back to the Roman Coliseum Rock days. There’s a ton of move attributed to them. They teach it in their elementary schools through what’s equivalent to our high school. Just sayen, don’t under estimate them.
I bet Mr. Pinko never heard of these guys.
Where are all the new Master Sgt. Roddy Edmunds to stand up against this Islamic punk and declare, “We’re all Jews?”
“Izmir, Boris and Murad were Turkish Muslims”
I’m pretty sure, certain actually, they still are.
Oh, maybe they meant, we’re Turkish Muslims. Nah.
Once one, always one, is the general rule with few exceptions.
Who, btw, do not belong in our country.
They’re of no benefit, only trouble from what I’ve seen.
The “Diversity Demanders” should leave with them, and create diversity in their countries by their presence there.
God bless the man who stood for Jews, but he should have been prepared for anything.
I live 10 miles north of Cincinnati and I never heard a word about this. Darn but the left is good at suppressing news that doesn’t fit their agenda.
I remember when a (insert name of any religion of peace here) shot up a Jewish facility in Seattle after years ago, the Seattle police sent as many officers to protect mosques to protect against retribution as were sent to protect Jewish institutions.
@Bad_Brad March 31, 2018 at 9:24 pm
> Their roots run deep with wrestling. Way back to the Roman Coliseum Rock days. There’s a ton of move attributed to them. They teach it in their elementary schools through what’s equivalent to our high school. Just sayen, don’t under estimate them.
Too few people, these days, appreciate the artistry of the Turkey Slap.
I remember my time in Germany in the early 80s. The Germans had allowed a lot of Turks into the country as laborers. It was always best to stay away from them even then.
“Too few people, these days, appreciate the artistry of the Turkey Slap.”
I hope you have enough balls to confront one when you get the chance. The last thing you need to worry about is getting slapped.
Ahahahah…..good one. Which frickin anonymous are you?