Citizen revolt: Resist refugee resettlement dumps! – IOTW Report

Citizen revolt: Resist refugee resettlement dumps!

Michelle Malkin: Should U.S. citizens have input into whether their neighborhoods are fundamentally and permanently transformed into United Nations refugee camps full of welfare dependents and tax burdens?

Government-funded charities that profit mightily from the federal refugee resettlement program say: “Hell, no!”

But President Donald Trump and growing numbers of informed Americans across the heartland are raising their voices to say: “Heavens, yes!”

This week, an extraordinary revolt took place in Bismarck, North Dakota, where an overflow crowd of residents braved subzero temperatures to register their opposition to allowing the Lutheran Social Services to dump any new refugees in their backyard.

Thanks to an executive order signed by Trump in September, local communities now have explicit opt-in rights to stem the lucrative tide of refugees coming largely from Third World countries and jihadist breeding grounds. Open borders legal groups are, of course, challenging the order in court. These zealots object to states and localities exercising self-determination when it comes to rejecting refugees because it would undermine “national immigration policy,” yet they promote illegal immigrant sanctuary policies in states and localities that create uncontrollable criminal anarchy.

While GOP Gov. Doug Burgum signaled his support for increased importation of refugees, Brian Bitner, chairman of the Burleigh County Commission, echoed the concerns of his constituents. “North Dakota is already the highest per capita state for refugee resettlement in terms of number of citizens, so in the absence of any sort of number, there’s no way we could know the cost to the state or the county, and I simply can’t support that,” Bitner told local media at the Bismarck protest.

Similar outbreaks of resistance have taken place in Maine, New Hampshire, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Vermont, Wyoming and Tennessee over the years. But many Americans remain alarmingly clueless about the four-decade-old, tax-funded racket lining the pockets of nine privileged, nonprofit contractors (and scores of their subcontracting partners like Bismarck’s LSS): read more

15 Comments on Citizen revolt: Resist refugee resettlement dumps!

  1. This week, an extraordinary revolt took place in Bismarck, North Dakota, where an overflow crowd of residents braved subzero temperatures to register their opposition to allowing the Lutheran Social Services to dump any new refugees in their backyard.

    That is the level of “revolt” Americans can muster. So unnatural, for Americans, as to be “extraordinary”.

    They will not be missed.

  2. Our churches now teach leftist claptrap in place of the true word of God as spoken in the bible. The results are declining membership leading to looking for parishioners elsewhere, ie any third world hellhole that will send people.

  3. Didn’t even take the UN to screw up my old neighborhood back in 2005/6. George Bush dumped a bunch of New Orleans gutter flotsam from Katrina into newly built apartments all over Houston. My neighborhood went from a zero-crime bedroom community to cops being gunned down in the street by drug dealers in only a year.

    Thanks, George… You fucking globalist piece of shit.

  4. These religious so-called charities
    are receiving hefty sums of money from the FEDS
    to resettle these parasitic pigs
    and ALL legislation to stop this has been blocked

    who calls herself


    One of the chief benefactors of this
    relocation is


    which gladly accepts gov’t money
    regardless what the reason



    and of course


    proudly proclaims her


  5. ^HungJumper
    “The results are declining membership leading to looking for parishioners elsewhere, ie any third world hellhole that will send people.”

    Declining membership also leads to church ‘leaders’ taking monies from that sinister entity (Big Guv) and doing its bidding.

    This is what wrecks most professional organizations, ie AMA, ABA, ADA etc, ad infin.

  6. Jewish political power and money are the force controlling this destructive influx of and proliferation of violent and diseased criminals. Christian leaders have deceitfully influenced church-goers that Jews and Christians are compatible by faith, which is not true. Jesus actually told the Jewish leaders that they are the off-spring of the devil, and they still are. Evil at heart, they hate this country, but make sure that Israel continues to get $billions of support every year from the USA. Internal parasites eating Americans alive.

  7. Mark VII Ltd, here is the answer to your request:

    John 8:44
    English Standard Version
    44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

    [Various translations of the same verse]

  8. Information to further knowledge by historical and current reference about Jewish powers of controlling America:

    The Hidden Hand Behind Every Global Criminal Conspiracy and Majorly Distracting Scandal
    Posted on December 6, 2019 by admin
    The Khazarian Mafia Takes Complete
    Control of the United States of America

    OPEN BORDERS & ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A Highly Organized Communist Plot to Destroy the USA
    Posted on May 31, 2019 by State of the Nation

  9. @tRuth: sorry but your previous statement “Jesus actually told the Jewish leaders that they are the off-spring of the devil” is not supported by your quotation. You have twisted not only that verse, but also the implied conclusion.

    If you want to hate Jewish people, fine. Go ahead. But don’t try to justify it by dragging Jesus into the action. Make your case by the actions of the individuals, or in case they have a ‘group manifesto’, use that.

    Yeah, we’ve heard this Jew-baiting crap before. It didn’t wash in WWII and it doesn’t wash now. It’s all the Jews fault…it’s not MY fault at all. WE are perfect. Jews are pigs. Yeah right, we get it.

  10. @Mark VII Ltd December 6, 2019 at 8:25 pm

    > Make your case by the actions of the individuals, or in case they have a ‘group manifesto’, use that.

    Wise advice

    > Yeah, we’ve heard this Jew-baiting crap before.

    Too bad you don’t use it

  11. who has the time to keep up with all of the corruption, degeneracy, treason, larceny, and the myriad ways we are being swindled, cheated, fucked out of our birthright and liberties. a person could spend every waking minute of every fucking day trying to keep up with these vermin and it won’t be enough. it’s obvious to me that the old Chinese proverb about living in interesting times is a curse

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