City Demands Hillary Mural Be Removed – IOTW Report

City Demands Hillary Mural Be Removed


The painting is based on the photoshop after the read more…

ht/ CharlieWalksOnWater



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22 Comments on City Demands Hillary Mural Be Removed

  1. I say leave it. It may be the only claim to fame a place called “Maribyrnong” may ever have. HRC shouldn’t mind, she has never in her life even looked that good. I feel sorry for the dame who got shopped. A once magnificent rack gamely standing up to Father Time defiled by that mug.

  2. The city DEMANDS!!?? Demands WHO? The painter? (as if he’s going to ‘fess to doing that FINE FINE artwork) The owner of the building? (ppfffft. Spend MY money?) The city? (but. . . but. . . taxpayer money. . . . how are we going to explain THIS expense?)

    Face it! Yer STUCK with this one! Long may “she” wave!

  3. Unless there is an ordinance against all murals, there is court precedent that says you can’t regulate content, unless it is obscene. This is no more obscene than any other portrait of Hitlery.

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