City Of St. Paul, Minnesota Forms Committee To Look Into Reparations – IOTW Report

City Of St. Paul, Minnesota Forms Committee To Look Into Reparations

Star Tribune

The city of St. Paul apologized for its role in institutional racism on Wednesday and agreed to form a new commission to study reparations for Black residents whose ancestors were enslaved. More

Last I checked, Minnesota fought on the Union side. I guess the 626 citizens from the state that died fighting in the war wasn’t enough of a sacrifice? – Dr. Tar

27 Comments on City Of St. Paul, Minnesota Forms Committee To Look Into Reparations

  1. Institutional racism is a terrible, shameful thing. How we can tolerate it I cannot fathom. And the bigger the institution, the more pernicious the racism. Note that govt is the biggest and most racist institution of them all.

  2. When did Minneapolis have slavery? Will they give reparations to the family of the white five year old boy who was thrown from the upper level of the shopping mall by a black man?

  3. What about ME??

    Will I get any reparations?? The city of St. Paul has offended my sensibilities by wanting to ‘Look Into Reparations’ and that bothers me.
    Don’t I have a right to be offended and then receive reparations??

  4. Maybe they should try demanding reparations from the descendants of the black and arab slave traders that captured and sold their ancestors into slavery, rather than demanding reparations from the descendants of people who either never owned slaves or died fighting to free them. Waddya think — too radical?

  5. I doubt Cocaine Mitch even bats an eye at this proposal.
    Bend over Mitch, you are a minority asshole now.
    You wouldn’t give hard working Americans 2 grand, yet if you have a certain melanin content you will get 20 grand in the biden admin.
    I kind of hope Iran finishes their nuke.
    Fuck this world.

  6. Slavery has been forbidden in the state of Minnesota since that state’s admission to the Union in 1858. According to 1850 US Census Records there were 6,077 WHITE & BLACK Indentured persons.

    Yes I said White & Black.
    Because Indentured Servants still meet the definition of Slave in many states.

    Eg. My G-Father & G-Mother was rented out to Germany for farming 1880-1890’s. Then several seasons later was sold by his Land Baron in Middle Europe to the Land Barons brother in Massachusetts (USA) that owned a local mill in 1898. He was required to work there for 10 years and live in the Mill owned housing and buy from the Mill owned store. G-Mother did seamstress work for any NON-Mill controlled extra money. Otherwise the family still back in Europe was punished.

  7. I’d recommend that every KFC in that state donate their days unsold fried chicken to disgruntled negro’s. It could be make available the following morning at each drive thru. On Martin Luther King Day those reparations will include the addition of 1 KFC famous waterlogged corn on a stick.
    This program should continue for the next three years and each individual donation will be served exclusively by white servers.

    This program

  8. Confiscate all the properties of the plantation owners in Minnesota who held slaves prior to and during the civil war era. That would be fair and equitable. There won’t be any though I did hear there was a railroad in the northern states that took advantage of people of color. Maybe they can go after them.

  9. As an America Indian rep, when do we get our cut??, long pass due. I don’t have that much time left to have this tied up in go nowhere hearings. Oh, did I mention I have not seen my 600 bucks anywhere yet, what’s the hold up??

    Given that the whites of Minnesota put their efforts in to fighting a Sioux uprising during the Civil War, I’d say there’s a better case for reparations. – Dr. Tar

  10. For my reparations payment I will pick the cotton out of Aspirin bottles if it will make any person who was never a slave and any person who never owned a slave feel better.

    This offer does not extend to any muslims as there is still slavery going on in many arab countries.

  11. In my family, we had two great-great uncles that fought for the Union in the Civil War. One of them (an Irish born lad) lost his leg and died in veterans housing in Kansas. I say this proudly. No I do not want any free money because of that. Another great uncle’s plane was shot down in WW1. Nope, I do not want money for that. Several uncles fought in WW2. One of them was captured by the Nazis during the Battle of the Bulge and lost a lung. Nope, I still don’t want money from that. What I got from these brave men was PRIDE, honor and a deep devotion to my beloved USA. Hell, I even did a stint in the Army from 1968 to 1970. So did many family members. I am a life member of the DAV, and I love my country. I used to live in St. Paul, MN. We had to move to a suburb in another county due to sky-high property taxes. These reparations will drive the tax base higher for St Paul and Ramsey County. Pretty soon no one who pays taxes will be able to live there and the freeloaders will have to take care of themselves. Okay, enough of my ramblings; here is my question: With Biden and state government planning to spend Trillions of tax dollars for freebees, when will the USA turn in to a Socialist hell?

  12. So tired of this.

    …my people weren’t here till after the Civil War, and were treated like dogshit for being Catholic immigrants by the Democrats and the Democrat KKK when they GOT here, as well as for the unforgivable sin of being German and Irish. My ggg grandpa changed the family NAME because Democrats were persecuting and killing German immigrants thanks to the Democrat president. My wife has relatives who died for the North in several cemetaries. And ALL the slave owners were Democrats, which I am NOT.

    Not all White people ever owned slaves, and not all Black people WERE slaves.

    Althogh I’m not sure what you do with the tea-colored “Obamas” of this world. Guess they have to pay themselves, seeing as how some of THEM have White Slave master ancestors.

    On the other hand, there IS systematic, invidious, government-sponsored discrimination TODAY.

    It’s against my son for no reason other than he’s White. Jobs, college, loans, they prefer a darker hue with all that and more, and the Government requires that.

    So on the subject of reparations, fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you. You were never a slave and I never owned slaves. All I owe you is good marksmanship so you die quickly if you attack me and mine.

  13. I self-identify as a whiny, former slave-ancestor descendant of some slavery-type bullshit from St. Paul with both hands out begging for free shit.

    NO Free Shit; NO Peace!

    Just send me a check.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. …and as for visiting the sins of another on one who had nothing to do with them and taking from the living what is owed by the unrelated dead, this is a pretty good answer…

    “To the treasure of my people no man has a claim, because Smaug who stole it from us also robbed him of life or home. The treasure was not his that his evil deeds should be amended with a share of it. ”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Hobbit”

    …nothing taken from me because I have an allegedly similar hue to someone who was mean 200 years ago and no other reason can be used to redress whatever that person did, and nothing of mine given to a person of a darker hue for that and no other reason will make the long-dead abused man whole.

    Its the worst sort of Bill of Attainder, which our forefathers SPECIFICALLY outlawed, because it not only seeks redress from a living person for a dead one they had no control over whatsoever, but that person isn’t even required to be RELATED.

    Just White.

    …and with NO due process WHATSOEVER. It’s just stipulated that a White person was mean and a Black person was abused once, so Whites are automatically guilty and all must pay.

    …so if the redress for official discrimination in a previous generation is MORE official discrimination in THIS one, THAT bill’s going to come due for THOSE people who are robbed by Government solely for their skin color one day.

    …and maybe sooner than you think…

    Reparations are nothing more than tools Democrats use to divide and conquer, to take power and money and arrogate all rights over both to themselves.

    Reparations are a weapon of the Left that will be cast aside as soon as its purpose is served, along with even its beneficiaries.

    They should be regarded as such.

    And dealt with as such.

  15. Michelle Obama. She claims that a long dead ancestor was a slave here in the USA.
    Over the generations, some of her heritage is formed by people who were not slaves here in the USA.
    She must prove the percentage of her DNA that belongs to the one person who was a slave here in the USA.
    Assuming her ancestor was her Great great great grandmother, Michelle would probably be eligible for 1/150th of the reparations allowed.
    The only way to be eligible for 100% of the reparations is if both parents of the living were slaves here in the USA.

  16. UNCLE AL
    Before JFK’s EO19925 requiring race to be considered in hire and promotion, America was not racist.
    Since 3/6/61 you are right – Federal Gov is racist and has been now for 60 years.

    Ronny was right 61 years ago!

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