Claim: Woman Fired For Becoming President of Oregon Right To Life – IOTW Report

Claim: Woman Fired For Becoming President of Oregon Right To Life

Harmony Daws says that after she told her boss that she was elected president of the Oregon Right To Life she became cold and distant and eventually fired her for allegedly discriminating against others that weren’t pro-life.

My analysis: Harmony Daws was pro-life when her boss didn’t know it and she didn’t seem to think she was discriminating then.It seems that only after discovering she was pro-life did the boss suddenly see a problem with Daws.

 Oregon Right To Life

Harmony Daws

This is the place that fired her—>Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 8.54.32 AM

Sparkling Palaces

26 Comments on Claim: Woman Fired For Becoming President of Oregon Right To Life

  1. This is so wrong! Since when did it become a crime to be pro life? I must be in trouble since I rescued with Operation Rescue back in the 90’s. I’m sure I’m on some ones shit list. It figures this happened in Portlandia. Good grief Seattle next if it hasn’t already happened. I’d quit that job and just be the President of Oregon Right To Life. She is a beautiful young lady and I’d be willing to bet her boss is a real harridan and harpie as well. And I’d politely tell her boss to stuff it as well. No normal red blooded God fearing, hard working person need apply for her current job as if anyone would want to work for a jerk like her boss seems to be.

  2. This really begs the question, how can you discriminate against someone who is not pro life since the other person is obviously alive? Do these idiots who are pro death wish they weren’t born so that they could save ma gaia? I just don’t understand the so called pro choice (any choice but life or liberty) pro abort/pro death crowd since they have an obvious death wish.

  3. I’d like to see the file they are trying to cobble together on Daws, I’d bet there was nothing in there but positive reviews until the supervisor realized she better back up her excuse with some fake complaints.

  4. Seems her former employer lacks what they espouse – integrity. It sucks what this woman went through, but because she has what her former employer lacks I wager she now has her pick of what she will do next. As for her former employer, I suspect without her having to do anything, it will crumple under its own hypocrisy. There are not THAT many libtard homes needing cleaning.

  5. Amy Boggs is a complete asshole. As soon as I saw on her website that she “really belives in green cleaning” I knew I was looking at the website of a fascist Leftist.

    I’m surprised her website doesnt say “Fair Trade, eco-friendly, Free Range, Sustainable, Give Back To The COMMUNIty, biodegradable, recyclable, holistic, karma-conscious, gender-neutral” – you know, all the fascist PC buzzwords that mean you are a fucking lemming OR a hard-Left fascist asshole who craves to put their iron boot-heel on the necks of their fellow neighbors.

  6. In today’s progressive politically correct society there are consequences for standing firm on your moral beliefs, especially when others who have control over your paycheck are morally depraved.

    Harmony Daws stands head and shoulders above the crowd.
    May you be richly blessed beyond measure.

  7. Let the Oregon government refuse to entertain her claim and she adds the State as a co-defendant in a 1983 action–sometimes you have to forcibly drag the libs into following their laws!

  8. Gee, I wonder where the OR labor commissioner that ordered Melissa Klein to pay $135k to a couple of lesbians because she didn’t want to bake a “wedding” cake for them is on this one? Miss Daws actually suffered financial and emotional damage from the pro-abortion idiot employer. Seems like this one should be worth a few $million based on the labor commissioner’s prior ruling against Melissa Klein. I’m sure they’ll do the right thing here.

  9. In the fine print of Amy Bogg’s website (on the “About” page)

    Later that year, Amy arrived in California at the Natural Products Expo West, and worked in the Activeion booth alongside Bill Nye, educating consumers about the Activeion product. She went on to film videos for Activeion, and was featured prominently in their marketing collateral.

    This is what Bill Nye, the cleaning products guy, does when he’s not advising world leaders on climate change.

  10. Just the presence of the young lady was now a daily reminder to her boss of her abortion. The devil convicts people and renders them nutty until people reach out for God’s redeeming forgiveness, and until they actually accept God’s redeeming forgiveness.

  11. If they actually believed what they clain to follow, we’d see a major spike in the suicide rate.
    Spoke with an intelligent professional lady that kind of had this line of thinking, no pride here, set her straight on that.

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