Clash of Cultures – The Muslim Way Wins at Swiss School – IOTW Report

Clash of Cultures – The Muslim Way Wins at Swiss School

Swiss school lambasted for backing Muslim teens who refuse to shake hands with females

RT- A school in Switzerland says its Muslim pupils will no longer have to shake hands with female teachers following a controversial ruling. Two male Muslim students said they did not want to shake hands with women as it was against their religion.

The boys argued that Islam does not permit any physical contact between members of the opposite sex, unless it is with family members.

The decision was not met well across much of Switzerland, with Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga weighing into the debate, saying that “shaking hands is part of our culture,” according to AFP.

Why are women being treated differently than men? That goes against the core beliefs of the modern progressive.
Pass the popcorn.
ht/ the big owe

5 Comments on Clash of Cultures – The Muslim Way Wins at Swiss School

  1. How would the MSM handle it if I said I had to shoot Muslim men because of my religion?

    Their religion COMPELS them in quite short order and with no equivocation to kill ME, what if mine were exactly the same, but with the opposite bias?

    Would our scholars and PHD’s convey on me the mantle of yet another ” Religion of Peace?” Perhaps I should author a book, at least as valid as any extant that claims Divine inspiration (were you there, how do you know God Almighty WASN’T talking to me) that empowers me to pray to leafy lettuce and eradicate Islam.

    That I should seek them out, where ever they are, and kill them. Like their book says about me.

    OK, fuck it. I was just screwing with you guys.

    So, when enough of them encamp in your neighborhood, rape and murder your daughters and sons, write a strongly worded letter to your congress critter that you have been offended.

    I’m sure they’ll address your concerns forthwith.

    How the fuck exactly have so many in this country lost any vestige of testicular fortitude? Did ‘they’ put something in the food?

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