Class is now in session- Activism versus Terrorism – IOTW Report

Class is now in session- Activism versus Terrorism

18 Comments on Class is now in session- Activism versus Terrorism

  1. I Wonder How Black America , Sees Our Newest Blacks ?
    Somalis Etcetara Would Just As Soon Cut The Throats Of Black Non Muslims, as Say Hello To Them on The Street ! And They Top It Off By Giving Black People a Bad Name ! ( Worse name ?)

  2. Plantsman, right now it’s the white weasels who turn my mind to mayhem. BLM could not be getting this mileage without Soros’ White Globalist Antifa Army (or Obama’s Civilian National Security Force, if you prefer). All the white thugs who would be barfightersl at any other time, all the white punks who would be getting beat up by the white barfighters and all the little kolledge kids taking selfies need a true existential threat to shock the shit out of them and lessen their ardor for violence. When 15 BLM poufs show up to loot and destroy and find that their chickenshit white allies have deserted them, the MSM will suddenly be less interested in the romance of the riot, too. Because they’ll be the only white people there.

  3. “More precisely, Antifa and BAMN terrorists want to kill others who don’t believe as they do.”
    And the Black Block.

    Cops are running scared. I guess it’s up to us. And it would be so easy, and so enjoyable.

  4. Bad Brad : When People Go Rabid on Cops At These B.S Protests And Don’t Get Punished , They Think It’s OK and That Police Are Not Powerful !
    It Will Be Conservatives and Cops Against The Agitifan’s !!!

  5. Plantsman

    One of those videos I posted you can hear some one on a bull horn yelling instructions. Command and control. It’s been reported most these litle kids get to the battle ground by bus. Get them while they’re still on the bus. To easy, not enough fun. Get a group of “Real Brawlers” to hang back. Attack the perimeter. Kill the stragglers. Be careful. You gotta wait for the cops to leave.

  6. Activism has more to do with anarchy than an act of liberty. The rights of individuals are not always recognized because activism can be just as limiting as collectivism, especially if communist ideologies are involved, Castro and Hitler are examples of this to the point of revolution – fundamentally changing their respective societies for the worse.
    The anarchy of terrorism is an all out assault on individualism. It always involves complete oppression, intimidation and genocide. In most cases, an activist initiates terrorism tactics when persuasion isn’t enough. It all boils down to this – is the activism for the betterment or destruction of the individual.

  7. Until somebody starts breaking necks, arms, and legs, the phuckers are gonna jump into bus’ for their salary and go raise hell. Make it too painful for them to take the job.

  8. There is a Law, Penal Code, on our side. I’ve been searching the web with every description I can think of. No luck. I’m not surprised I can’t find it. I WILL find it tomorrow from my ccw/cop/patriot pal and post it here. But I know for a fact when the cops split because they are afraid, you have the right to kill muther fxckers.

  9. Thirdtwin nailed it 100%,

    “And there will be a test.”

    And you antifa fuckstick snowflakes won’t be graded on a Bell Curve, either!

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