Classy Larry Flynt Produces Trump Porno Parody – IOTW Report

Classy Larry Flynt Produces Trump Porno Parody

I’m not going to write about it, nor link it.

But I will take the power out of it by mocking the mockery.

You think you’re stinging the people who would support Trump? Naaaaaa.

I’ll even rename the movie that you so brilliantly named “The Donald.”

How about

-Trump Tower


-Stumping For Trump


HT/Just the Tip  (which is another good title)

45 Comments on Classy Larry Flynt Produces Trump Porno Parody

  1. we must be on the right track…..the dip shit dhimmos, looney libbies, and Clinton Cartel are pulling out their hair and squatting in the streets to deficate… funny how desperation does that to the mentally challenged and rabid howler monkeys that they are..Think and recall the LRR scene in the “Bridesmaids.”…..

  2. Don’t you just love these moral giants like Flynt…you know the guy who admitted to screwing farm animals (I’m not kidding) commenting on the political choices of others…I’ll pass thanks…what a serious scumball. Barf!

  3. JohnS, come on dude, you’ve already seen it. That’s why you got those strech marks on your cheeks. I gotta tell you, you weren’t that good. A waste of a buck fifty.

  4. Come on Moe, I don’t think ANYONE here watched it.
    We all know this is some commie porn pig doing his predictable shit.
    Funny thing is, his magazines have always had the most racist, vile cartoons imaginable. Yet he is still a liberal in good standing.

    I remember one where a black guy comes home and a giant cockroach is screwing his wife. Disgusting is what to expect from that Flynt maggot.

  5. “Good try Brad.
    You admitted as to how you got the information.
    If you can prove it, and I know you can, go ahead and do so.
    your fans are waiting”

    Wow, where did you get that bull shit? I admitted how I got the information? You’re so fucking juvenile you crack me up. Try some vitamin E on those strech marks. I’m told it helps. Hey, at least you swallow.

  6. Ever hear a story from the old days of a black guy coming home from work and just coming into the kitchen and sayin” Hi Honey and the wife goin’ Oh sweet heart I so glad you home, Little Reroy just lost a tooth and I was wonderin’ if you would call……..

    Me neither

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