Clever Israelis – IOTW Report

Clever Israelis

I love this story.

A group of Palestinian inmates organized a hunger strike inside anĀ Israeli prison.

When word got out to the public a group of Israelis headed over to the parking lot to throw a barbecue, fanning the delicious aromas toward the prison.


One Israeli said he hopes they take the hunger strike “all the way.”

more HERE

ht/ meerkat

23 Comments on Clever Israelis

  1. That’s nothing new. My friend was an MP at the Berlin Wall back in the early sixties. The mess truck would pull up real close to the wall and start serving great food. The garbage cans were placed as close to the wall as possible. The MPs were told to eat half a stake and dump the rest in the trash can. Then go back for more.
    They were also encouraged to stomp our a full cigarette right in front of the VOPOs. Drove the fookers crazy. The result: Deserters up the ass. Oh those mean Americans. Would I lie?

  2. “The prisoners want visitation rights expanded.”
    – Read conjugal sex.
    “Prisoners are also demanding the installation of public phones.”
    – Read conjugal phone sex.
    “Another demand is to reinstate study programs.”
    – Read jihad study.

  3. Not to upset the conversation but I heard today that BFH has given up golf for something called “Pickle Ball.” Is the guy going a little askew? Anybody know about this?

  4. Pickleball is a good game, it’s ping pong on a small tennis court. A better game, I think is Short Court Tennis or Wacketball. It’s played on the same court as Pickleball but you use a racketball racket and a ball that is just a little denser than a nerf ball. That is a game I’ve played a lot, I’ve always been surprised that it hasn’t gotten more popular.

  5. Not a pussy fucking game, my 60 year old joints don’t hold up well to tennis any more. You still get good exercise and if you have fun doing it, it’s good for you. And it still takes some athleticism to make good shots.

  6. NOT a Pussy fucking game. Back in high school me and a wrestling pal were top of the heap in school athletes. During the off season we did the same crazy shit as everyone else. We had 4 weeks of Badminton. We just lmilled everyone. It was fun. Them too old coaches challenged us. Both marines one a D.I. It was embarrassing. They kicked our asses. But for revenge I married the D.I.s daughter.

  7. Moxie.
    We use to call it Wolfe Pussy breath. That stuff exits thru your lungs. It’s a by product of plywood manufacturing. Nobody knows why it works, but it does. FDA warning, might cause sties in your eyes with Pro longed use. I do heavy tricep extentions. 225. There have been several time that I couldn’t even move an arm. DSMO cleared it up in two days. I’m still alive, and semi normal.

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  1. BBQ teaser at Yale ‘hunger’ strike – IOTW Report

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