Climate Insurrectionists Arrested After Storming The Interior Department – IOTW Report

Climate Insurrectionists Arrested After Storming The Interior Department


Protesters held a sit-in Thursday at the Interior Department building in downtown Washington and clashed with police as they challenged fossil fuel projects and called for the declaration of a climate emergency. Multiple arrests were reported.

An Interior Department spokeswoman said a group of protesters rushed the lobby, injuring at least one security officer who was taken to a nearby hospital. Police and protesters clashed outside the building, and officers used Tasers against several unarmed protesters, a spokeswoman for the protest group said. More

9 Comments on Climate Insurrectionists Arrested After Storming The Interior Department

  1. What will these genius’s do when the electricity is cut to their homes? No more being an SJW on your precious cell phone, as they will be unable to charge it after the batteries die. Your computer does not run on unicorn farts, so they will be out of luck there. No more half soy, half half & half whole milk for their latte’s, as the machines will no longer function. Of course it will all be Trump’s fault, so they have that to look forward to while they are shivering in the dark wondering what happened.


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