Clinton Campaign Managers Testifies Hillary Wanted Russian Collusion Pushed on the Media – IOTW Report

Clinton Campaign Managers Testifies Hillary Wanted Russian Collusion Pushed on the Media


Former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook was called as a prosecution witness in the trial against Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann today.  During his appearance Mook was questioned about the fraudulent Alfa-Bank story that lies at the center of the prosecution against Sussmann.

Robby Mook testified he had no idea who Sussmann was or what he was doing.  However, Mook also stated he learned of the Alfa-Bank research during a meeting in 2016 and took it to Hillary Clinton, who then told him to share it with media. More

7 Comments on Clinton Campaign Managers Testifies Hillary Wanted Russian Collusion Pushed on the Media

  1. Honestly, I’m just amazed that Mook and Sussmann are even still alive to be able to testify. Figured they both would have had tragic unforseeable fatal accidents once a certain somebody realized that there was a possibility they might blab to try and save their own asses.


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