Clinton Fundraiser Sat On Sensitive State Dept. Advisory Board – IOTW Report

Clinton Fundraiser Sat On Sensitive State Dept. Advisory Board

A “prolific” fundraiser for the Clintons was given a seat on the International Security Advisory Board of the State Department with no qualifications for the post during Hillary’s term as Secretary of States.

That was until Citizens United forced the release of the name of the board member, which lead to Rajiv K. Fernando’s resignation days later from the “sensitive government intelligence advisory board.”


 An indicator of how a President Clinton would dole out assignments in her White House and the intelligence community entrusted to her.

9 Comments on Clinton Fundraiser Sat On Sensitive State Dept. Advisory Board

  1. Gee … ordinary people would call that “corruption.”
    Makes you wonder what the FBI thinks of it …
    “A nod is as good as a wink to an FBI Director”
    Or to an Affirmative Action Attorney General.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This is just the tip of the corruptionberg if that woman wins.

    I lived through Bubba’s reign of corruption and I just don’t want to go through that again but on steroids. Unlike other POTUS she won’t wast the first 2 years getting up to speed on what a POTUS can and cannot do. She will be pushing the envelope day one.

    God help us all if she wins.

  3. LIBBIES who stick their collective heads in the sand ignoring what Hittlery is and has proven to be beyond a doubt deserve to get their collective asses blown away if she wins…

  4. So mercenary. Although Obama would have given that job to his campaign van driver. There has to be an ethical and sane middle ground here, but the Dems are not interested in finding it.

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