Clinton Was Never Intended to be the Democrat Nominee – IOTW Report

Clinton Was Never Intended to be the Democrat Nominee

hillary stunned face

AmericanThinker: Former speaker of the House John Boehner recently spoke ill of fellow Republican Ted Cruz in a Q&A at Stanford University.  His comments likening the candidate to “Lucifer in the flesh” got all the media attention, leaving this virtually unreported:

Boehner’s comments also included a reference to the ongoing FBI investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was at the State Department, speculating on what might happen if the scandal widens.

“Don’t be shocked … if two weeks before the convention, here comes Joe Biden parachuting in and Barack Obama fanning the flames to make it all happen,” the former speaker said.

I’ve been warning of this for more than a year, albeit for a different reason.  more

15 Comments on Clinton Was Never Intended to be the Democrat Nominee

  1. When I read this this morning, my first reaction was a skeptical, “meh.”

    Look: I know it’s hard to believe, but Democrats are HUMAN like us.

    That said, THEY would be AT LEAST as p!§$ed at a helicoptered-in “Candidate Biden” as WE would of a helicoptered-in “Candidate Ryan (or whomever)”.

    They may HAVE to go that route if Tribal Leader Obama says she must go…but then it would be a *much* more “progressive choice” a la Patrick Deval or Fauxcahontas.

  2. (oops! hit the POST button too soon)

    The Dems went “Full Monty” in 2008…AND WON.
    AND WON in 2012.

    Why “go Biden” in 2016?!?
    They want MORE BLOOD.

    (we need to feed them their own…AHEM…metaphorically speaking, naturally…)

  3. This is what I’ve said all along. The democrats hate the woman. But I’ve felt that Holder will enter the picture, or one of Obama’s other henchmen/conspirators.

  4. I have a hard time believing Hillary would agree to anything other than being handed the Presidency on a silver platter.

    She feels entitled, her Dem supporters feel she’s entitled and she is not going to step aside for anyone on her way to the oval office. She’s had to wait 8 years and she’s through waiting.

    The Obama administration is going to let her off the hook and give her as free a pass as they can and the leftist media won’t raise an eyebrow over it because they all want it to happen.

  5. I think that is why the Bern-a-nator is still staying in. He is banking on Hillary doing the ‘perp walk’ and he will be in position to counter any last minute change up.

    Oh, it would make for a glorious summer if only it would happen. I have to admit a Biden/Trump debate would turn out to be a laugh riot. The repercussions would be like the Tardis having an engine melt down while parked right next to the warp core of the Enterprise which is about to have matter & anti matter mix while the Enterprise is being pulled into the Death Star which is under attack from Luke & company. The explosion would be so great the whole solar system would be wiped out- if not the universe.

    A reality bomb of such a magnitude may be the only thing to save the republic. Risky. But I’m game!

  6. And then Bernie Sanders will just slink away at the convention? And all the Dem Bernie voters will dutifully cast their vote for a Joe Biden & Warren ticket who didn’t campaign and won ZERO primaries? Anybody know when the last time a President was elected without winning any primaries?

  7. She will stay in until she has accumulated ehough delegates to deny Sanders the nominations. The closer she gets, the more frequent and severe the coughing fits will become.

  8. They will get the sympathy vote when hilliary pretends to be terminal.

    Missouri elected a dead man to the senate and his wife is still there…..another reason i hate RINOs… balls to challenge it. Was it Ashcroft who gave the senate to the (D)?

  9. Coughing, headache n syncope–hallmark symptoms of the cerebral transverse venous thrombosis Hillary has. She has a debilitating illness. Everyone covers for her just like the royals covered for their freaks born of incest that spoke with lisps–and hemophilia–shit we have to pretend that our queen is healthy! Huma is waiting to be the Valerie Jarrett for her queen.

  10. I always thought the bitch was just a distraction to draw the heat away from 0bama’s crimes, and a place holder for whatever communist they plan to shoehorn in at the last moment. Everybody knows what an evil piece of shit Hillary is.

    The Bidden angle sounds about par too. I also suspect a dem with an “R” after their name, so our side gets all the blame for his destructive actions.

    It’s a very dirty game this time around! May be the last time too.

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