Clinton’s Opponent In Her 2000 Senate Race Made An Ominous Prediction About Her Character – IOTW Report

Clinton’s Opponent In Her 2000 Senate Race Made An Ominous Prediction About Her Character

IJ: Hillary Clinton has been in the public spotlight for decades; you need to travel back to the year 2000 for the first time she ran for office. That year, her opponent issued an ominous warning about her trust and character.

Then-First Lady Hillary Clinton was making her first foray into electoral politics by running for Senate in New York against then-Congressman Rick Lazio. In a debate between the two candidates in September 2000, Clinton was asked by host Tim Russert if she regretted “misleading the American people” in an infamous 1998 Today Show interview in which she asserted that stories about the Monica Lewinsky scandal weren’t true and pinned the blame on the “vast right-wing conspiracy.”

Clinton’s answer:

“From my perspective, you know, I’m very hopeful that we can go forward in a united way. That certainly is what I’ve tried to do. And I’ve tried to be as forthcoming as I could given the circumstances that I faced. Obviously I didn’t mislead anyone. I didn’t know the truth.”

Russert then gave Rick Lazio a chance to respond, and asked him to address a July 2000 fundraising letter in which Lazio said Hillary Clinton had “embarrassed the country,” though it did not specifically address the Lewinsky scandal.

Lazio stood by his fundraising letter, and then dropped the hammer on what was so troubling about Clinton’s behavior (bold added for emphasis):

“What’s so troubling here with respect to what my opponent just said, is somehow that it only matters what you say when you get caught. And character and trust is about well more than that. And blaming others every time you have responsibility?Unfortunately that’s become a pattern, I think, for my opponent.”  MORE

8 Comments on Clinton’s Opponent In Her 2000 Senate Race Made An Ominous Prediction About Her Character

  1. @Loco – there’s something fishy about the FBI botching the Omar killer investigation – twice – while his father was in full throated support for Taliban and IRS approved father’s Taliban supporting non-profit while investigating and denying Tea Party applications for “political activism”.

    There had to be direct communication to FBI agents that if you find fault with a Muslim your career will be short and you will be disgraced as racist.

  2. Too bad he didn’t nip that shit in the bud. I remember the left dominated media was all in for Hillary. My lady is from upstate NY and Hillary made such a case, even back then, on how it was getting hammered economically and how she would devote herself to getting jobs back.

    What a fucking laugh. She didn’t do shit in the Senate and was never ever called on her promise to NY. I think she sponsored 2 bills in 6 years, one of which renamed a PO. Worthless POS.

    To this day, its widespread economic devastation for upstate NY yet a few miles away, residents of PA who are sitting on the same fossil fuels and who are developing them, are prospering.

    Remember when Lazio gave her a note on stage and the REgressives’ collective hair burst into flames because he violated her space??? He must have known when he heard that, he was fucked.

  3. Hillary will never see any kind of punishment for her treason. She and Obama/Jarrett communicated on her home based server so implicating her also snares him and that shit ain’t happening. I wonder how Comey can sleep at night because he seemed like an honorable man.

    It’s a rat’s nest there. At least they’re pretty much all in one spot should…

  4. “Remember when Lazio gave her a note on stage…”

    It was a campaign finance pledge he was trying to get her to sign. Might as well have been garlic and holy water.

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