Have you ever noticed your joints ache a bit more when the weather changes? It’s been an observation among those with a touch of the rheumatism or those who suffer from migraines, that a pending change in the weather can be felt physically before the clouds start to build.
Now a clever new study based on a Smartphone survey of thousands in The United Kingdom agrees that for some people with these chronic conditions, weather chance does affect physical sensation.
People with long-term health conditions are 20 per cent more likely to suffer from pain on days that are humid and windy with low atmospheric pressure according to new research from University of Manchester scientists. The study, funded by Versus Arthritis, was based on the experience of people with conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine and neuropathic pain from across the UK. According to the research, the most important factor associated with worsening pain is high relative humidity. More
I’ve been wrenching in a buddy’s small engine shop lately and had to crawl around under a couple zero turn mowers today changing some belts and spindles. Had a little more trouble than usual returning to higher atmospheric conditions. It was raining all day. (I’m getting old)
Known this for years, ouch.
Doesn’t it rain then get foggy every 10 minutes in England?
Yes. When the humidity starts to rise, I start to walk like the Bride of Frankenstein. Fingers freeze up. Knees lock.
My mother has had rheumatoid arthritis since she was a teen and could predict weather change. She told me if i kept breaking bones i would regret it when i got older she was right but now i can feel weather change also. qiute achey this morning. Should have listened.
Yup, I can give more accurate weather reports than the clowns on TV.
I like a big glass full of Grannies Rheumetizz medicine with a big slice of possum pie…
Lazlo has a touch of lumbago that plagues him at times of barometric declivity.
And the shoulder
And the forearm
And that knee, too.
Shit, no wonder old people are always crabby.
Hey Lazlo…might it be quicker to list things that don’t hurt…my left pointy finger is painless and fearless…
Both hands and feet. sickle cell trait, mostly. Checking for arthritis next month. ugh.
How do you check for arthritis?….simple…put your birth certificate on a shelf, lay on the floor and try to get it in under 5 minutes. Look at the birthdate and shrug like you meant to get your reading glasses next to your shoes which you can’t find because you can’t find your readers….Then declare a nap!…
Guess I’ve been lucky, I’ve only had one bone that affected my mood.
….It doesn’t affect me much anymore.
…AND THEN the question becomes your car keys…. which you know are in your pants that you can’t reach down and grab them to put on, but you can pinky swear that you had pants on when you got the paper and checked your mail….
Thanking God that when pushing in the clutch that prolapse thing doesn’t happen.
That that Don Abrams, Live PD POS!
Being a “motorcycle enthusiast” I just get a pain in the ass when it rains.
For me it’s not any particular atmospheric pressure, but the sudden change in pressure when the weather pattern is quickly changing.
No, not Bee’s Knees. The knees you kneel on when you get down on all fours to scrub the bathroom floor. You grew up getting on all fours to do things. You liked it. Your knees then were resilient, full of thick, absorbent cartilage. It was fun, then… Back then.
But now? It turns out your knees aren’t designed for that! Now they tell us! So, you eat the right foods to help replenish that cartilage and it sort of works, but then you push your luck too many times on the floor or in the garden or on the deck of a steel ship, those BAD KNEES are back!
Knees. Pretty good engineering, God, but some improvements would be helpful. And don’t get me started on shoulder joints! You’ll think I’m a Scotsman! Bitch, bitch, bitch.
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