
[Breitbart] CNBC’s panel of questioners, apparently drawn directly from a focus group for the Democratic National Committee, revealed their Hillary Clinton butterfly tramp-stamps long enough to unleash a stream of hit jobs on the candidates.



  1. I don’t care about who moderates the debates for the republicans.

    I do care who moderates the debates for the democrats.

    just once I want to hear a moderator go through all the conservative talking points about clinton before asking her a biased question like the ones asked by the democrats of the republicans.

    sample: “clinton, you husband has been to epsteins private island several times to engage in sex with underage children.”
    “Have you ever gone with him, have you ever engaged in sex with minors and if not why do you tolerate that kind of behavior from your husband, is it because you hate kids”?

    I want limbaugh, levin, napolitano, williams and sowell to moderate the democrat debate.

    that would be worth watching.

  2. It’s the chemotherapy approach to thinning the Repub field.

    Nuke the lot of them and you hope either JEBBERS or RRRRubio is left standing alive at the end.

    RP apparently agrees more with the moderators so his goal was to get rid of those pesky also-rans and especially the conservatives.

  3. To me, that is the bigger scandal: That the RNC continues to allow leftists to have a say in Republican affairs. I doubt DWS has ever consulted Rinse on which conservatives would be good moderators at Dem debates.

  4. Everyone involved setting this up knew going in who the so-called “moderators” were going to be so nobody should be surprised at the results they all agreed in advance to produce.

    What I would like to see in future debates, is for the candidates to withdraw their participation citing specific instances of bias. That would rock a few boats and draw applause from all parties.

    “Reince, Fail, Repeat”, has been the leading strategy long enough. The existing Republican Party hacks are no better then the existing Democrat Party hacks; Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders supporters prove that. People realize that if both parties are allowed to pick the candidates, we are looking at a Jeb v Hillary race and have been for at least a year. That ain’t gonna fly.

    What’s needed is a leader with guts who is willing to get the Country back on the right (re: Constitutional) foot. That leader is not apparent right now, but we are still over a year away from the presidential election and a lot can happen between then and now.

    In the meantime, its not too late to clean house at the RNC and at the very least get someone else in charge of setting up these idiotic Fight Club sessions among our many really good candidates. These debates should be focused on forming a new plank for the Republican Party to unite around, not giving each candidate a 2×4 with which to beat each other soundly about the face and neck.

    The simplest way to win the game is not to play.

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