CNN “accidentally” airs 30 minutes of HARDCORE PORN on Thanksgiving? – IOTW Report

CNN “accidentally” airs 30 minutes of HARDCORE PORN on Thanksgiving?

CNN “accidentally” airs 30 minutes of HARDCORE PORN on Thanksgiving.

We all mess up from time to time, but someone is going to get fired after this incident. Last night around 11PM when everyone was coming out of their food coma, they were treated to something very unexpected.


Unsuspecting viewers were planning on tuning in to watch a new episode of Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown on CNN but …

Go to PolitOpinion to READ the rest of the story and see the TITLE of the PORN!


CNN is denying this ever happened. They claim it’s a rumor started by one lone person on Twitter who has since locked down their account. The DVR screenshot says otherwise.

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25 Comments on CNN “accidentally” airs 30 minutes of HARDCORE PORN on Thanksgiving?

  1. CNN will try *anything* to get viewers…
    …SO desperate, they try this in Boston…
    …WITHOUT beans!

    They’re HISTORY…
    …like NYT and WashPoo…

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