CNN “accidentally” airs 30 minutes of HARDCORE PORN on Thanksgiving.
We all mess up from time to time, but someone is going to get fired after this incident. Last night around 11PM when everyone was coming out of their food coma, they were treated to something very unexpected.
Unsuspecting viewers were planning on tuning in to watch a new episode of Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown on CNN but …
Go to PolitOpinion to READ the rest of the story and see the TITLE of the PORN!
CNN is denying this ever happened. They claim it’s a rumor started by one lone person on Twitter who has since locked down their account. The DVR screenshot says otherwise.
I bet it was gay porn.
@Bad_Brad – WORSE!
Holy crap. Well, at least it was appropriately titled. Parts Unknown.
“Parts Unknown” or “Parts Well-Worn”?
But… Hasn’t CNN been doing this to their viewers for years now?
“Inappropriate Parts, In Weird Holes”
It’s not true that Don Lemon dubbed the orgasmic moans and groans–Christiane Amanpour did.
Both of their viewers noticed, but neither complained.
Parts or ‘ports’?
Parts no longer unknown.
CNN: “Just another way to show what a pain they are, and where it will hurt viewers”.
Guarantee ratings for the next episode of “parts Unknown” will be through the roof. At least for the first 30 seconds.
Don’t take this News the Hard way…..
Was this a teaser for Megyn Kelly’s new CNN show?
CNN will try *anything* to get viewers…
…SO desperate, they try this in Boston…
…WITHOUT beans!
They’re HISTORY…
…like NYT and WashPoo…
My late next door neighbor was a producer for CNN in the 90s. I promise you he’s turing over in his grave! 🙁
porn or wolf blitzer
porn wins
“Parts Strapped On”?
Makes Trump look like a Sunday school teacher!
The “trans” was Jake Trapper wasn’t it?
Yeah Snowflakes, ya got Shlonged, big time!
For us it’s just a figure of speech, but obviously CNN thought it wuz for real!
Their having that much trouble getting libs to watch their channel?
Gosh. Is this the black hole Don Lemon was talking about that swallowed up Malaysian Airlines Flight 370?
The beauty is only one viewer was tuned in to Clinton News Network (CNN) at the time, so the story can’t be confirmed.
No one was watching the channel, so how did they know it even happened?
Sounds like a ploy to get more viewers.
“Tune in to CNN, there might be porn!”