CNN Called Alicia Machado an “Expanding Universe” – IOTW Report

CNN Called Alicia Machado an “Expanding Universe”

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6 Comments on CNN Called Alicia Machado an “Expanding Universe”

  1. Google image the author of that article. She has a nose like a potato and the lesbian jowls typical of a liberal female. In her snark filled article her ugly ass was reveling in the schadenfreude moment of the beauty queen going to seed. The only bit of human kindness contained in that article came from the statement by Donald Trump.

  2. Remember the Rosie O’Donnell and Donald Trump story?

    WNOT-TV News pressed the Republican frontrunner on his plans for fighting America’s growing weight problem.

    “Mr. Trump you often ridicule women for being overweight,” asked correspondent Bruce Nolan, “But obesity is a serious medical condition that affects millions of Americans. What would your plan be to fight this epidemic?”

    “I would build a nationwide network of weight loss clinics and I would force Rosie O’Donnell to pay for it.” Trump responded emphatically.

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