CNN – Cannibal News Network – IOTW Report

CNN – Cannibal News Network

BFH, don’t know if you’ve seen this. Apparently there cannibals working over at CNN. – BD

20 Comments on CNN – Cannibal News Network

  1. Priceless. Seeing an apologist for Islamofacists made to whimper like a little girl when reality shatter’s his favorite weapon of ‘all cultures are equal’.

    I could be talked into getting cable with a DVR just to record that whole episode- but then again I can just wait for it to be on Youtube.

  2. “Tulsi Gabbard, the only Hindu in Congress, tweeted: ‘I am very disturbed that CNN is using its power and influence to increase people’s misunderstanding”

  3. Reza Aslan is a Filthy Mohammedan Savage AND a Leftist. So he’s twice as stupid as the average run of the mill filthy hippie. I reckon he thought eating brains would MAKE HIM SMARTER. 😀

    Lance nailed it. That idiot is going to get the human equivalent of Mad Cow disease.He’ll be wearing a mu-mu soon.

  4. Reza Aslan is a Filthy Mohammedan Savage AND a Leftist. So he’s twice as stupid as the average run of the mill filthy hippie. I reckon he thought eating brains would MAKE HIM SMARTER. 😀

    Lance nailed it. That idiot is going to get the human equivalent of Mad Cow disease. He’ll be wearing a mu-mu soon.

  5. Only Democrats would actually sit in line to eat brains and let a wise man fling poop at them in the process. (The threatening beheading if he talks too much is cool though). But to use Aunt Mabel’s skull as a sippy cup and eat organ meat when a true sportsman feeds these to his dog for a hard days work is, well, revolting. But, this is the god Democrats worship, glad they are “coming out”.

  6. Ah yeah, that brain disease. Check it out:

    “Kuru is a very rare disease. It is caused by an infectious protein found in contaminated human brain tissue. Kuru is found among people from New Guinea who practiced a form of cannibalism in which they ate the brains of dead people as part of a funeral ritual.”

    But he works for CNN, so I’m thinking he may have infected the brain instead.

    Good luck, sugar.

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