CNN cuts off interview after shooting victim’s brother accuses media of ‘ruining lives forever’ – IOTW Report

CNN cuts off interview after shooting victim’s brother accuses media of ‘ruining lives forever’

American Mirror: CNN can’t get enough of grieving victims.

The latest cringe-worthy example came Friday night, when the third-place cable news network scheduled Stevante Clark, brother of Stephon Clark.

Stevante made headlines earlier this week when he stormed the Sacramento, California city meeting and jumped on the dias, creating a scene, after his brother was shot by police earlier this month.

The only reasonable explanation for his appearance on CNN is that network executives were hoping a similar stunt would generate additional headlines.

“How’s your family holding up? Are are you holding up?” Don Lemon asked Clark.

Stevante didn’t answer, but instead rang a bell that was off camera.

After several awkward moments of silence as Clark stared at the camera, Lemon finally said, “What does that mean?”

“Next question,” Clark answered, glaring at the camera.

“Okay…um, obviously you are in grief right now,” Lemon continued.

“I am not in grief,” Clark interrupted. “We haven’t slept. We haven’t ate. The media keeps following us everywhere we go.  MORE HERE– video

29 Comments on CNN cuts off interview after shooting victim’s brother accuses media of ‘ruining lives forever’

  1. Well that was quite entertaining! Can only imagine CNN handlers whispering in his earpiece, “Don’t go off script now, we’ll make you a star in the likeness of David Hogg”. Realizing he wasn’t their next sh*t stirrer, Lemon rolled with the faux sympathy send off.

    I guess the happy ending in this story is the mayor is building a, wait for it…. liebury. Bwaahahaha.

  2. Just to be clear Stephon Clark never murdered anybody. He had an extensive criminal record including, B&E, Assault, Assault with a deadly weapon, in possession of stolen goods, etc, etc.
    The cops say they knew who they were after. The guy was a dirt bag no question. The courts continued to go light on this guy at every turn.
    Here’s the big problem. LEO Glock Trigger Finger I swear it’s some weird thing when you pin on a badge. When the cops executed this guy they were behind cover. They mag dumped this guy at 20 feet. 20 plus rounds. They only hit him 8 times. Seven of which were in the back. WTF? Now we have people chimping out all over the city assaulting people that weren’t even remotely involved. Spitting in white peoples faces. Pulling that “Say His Name” Bull shit before they let people pass on the streets. They’ve shut down two Kings games. And the idiot Kings player decided to join the BLM efforts throwing more gas on the fire. The Mayor and the Police Department keep back up when ever confronted. Further emboldening this hot mess. It’s the liberal way. You couldn’t script this to handle it any worse.
    Slapping a Glock trigger as fast as you can is not a proper Tactical, Defensive or Offensive pistol technique. If you check the stats the difference between rounds shot in a CCW shoot vs an LEO shoot is something like 2 to 20. It’s stupid.
    COPS are supposed to be judged the same as a CCW in a shoot. I’m thinking some where around round 3 and 4 the guy was no longer a threat. It’s tougher to shoot them when they’re laying on the ground dead.

  3. PS
    If anybody at CNN would have watched the video of Stevante interrupting the city council meeting they wouldn’t have risked putting him or air. The guy’s brain damaged.

  4. What Bad_Brad said.
    There’s video of it out now (body cams).

    On one point, I agree with the jumpy bro in the vid with Lemon. The media does follow and become obnoxious, especially when they’re trying to smear cops or white people or Christians, or Jews, anything NON-progtard.
    However, if you’re going to demonstrate, protest and clown around, how do you not expect the media to show up and film it? The entire Lemon video is phony, on both men’s parts, in my opinion.

  5. Brad – will I be seeing you at the Southside Christian Center for tomorrow aftrnoon’s Stephon Clark-BLM community picnic, hosted by the Kings? First exit south of Florin, off 99. Turn right.

    Bring the kids. See you there!


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