CNN: People Of Color Should Not Wear Face Masks – IOTW Report

CNN: People Of Color Should Not Wear Face Masks

The Lid:

The CDC asked Americans to wear face coverings to help stop the spread of COVID-19 but CNN explains that perhaps people of color shouldn’t wear facemasks. people of color face masks

The quote that “Trevon Logan, an economics professor at Ohio State University, will not be following this guidance.”“We have a lot of examples of the presumed criminality of black men in general,” Logan, who is black, told CNN. “And then we have the advice to go out in public in something that … can certainly be read as being criminal or nefarious, particularly when applied to black men.”

Logan is not alone in his concerns. On social media and in interviews with CNN, a number of people of color — activists, academics and ordinary Americans — expressed fears that homemade masks could exacerbate racial profiling and place blacks and Latinos in danger. And that is the basic content of the article.

Did they actually think this through?  If everyone is wearing some sort of face covering, who is going to stand out to possibly be profiled. People who are joining the crowd and covering their faces or people who aren’t wearing face coverings. read more

16 Comments on CNN: People Of Color Should Not Wear Face Masks

  1. Excellent Advice!
    2 days ago CNN was stating that Black are people suffer more from the COVID-19 Virus.
    The Argument was so stupid I channel the channel.
    Basically the Jobs like grocery & cleaning workers were more frequently done by African Americans etc….

    I guess this IDIOT proved that theory Incorrect!

    It is obviously due to listening to ASSHOLES!

  2. Note to CNN article author Fernando Alfonso III:

    The best mask for you would be a clear plastic one, and one that covers your whole head is much more effective than just covering your nose and mouth. Be sure to snug it down around your neck to prevent leaking.
    OK. Just to be on the safe side: </sarc>

  3. “We have a lot of examples of the presumed criminality of black men”

    but we are letting those examples out of prison and jail so they don’t catch the virus

  4. Molon beat me to it. Christ, it gets old how they beat that drum.

    James Taranto’s old Best of the Web series at the WSJ used to capture their constant viewing every story through the prism of no matter how bad something is, women and minorities have it worse than everyone.

    Victimhood has its privileges. That’s why you see so many people trying to impersonate it. Elizabeth Warren, Shaun King, Rachel Dolezal, etc.


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