CNN Political Analyst Calls Nick Sandmann ‘Snot Nose’ Kid After Airing Speech That Tore Them To Shreds – IOTW Report

CNN Political Analyst Calls Nick Sandmann ‘Snot Nose’ Kid After Airing Speech That Tore Them To Shreds

Federalist: CNN political analyst and former White House press secretary for the Clinton administration Joe Lockhart called Nick Sandmann, the Covington Catholic High School teen who successfully settled a defamation suit with the network, a “snot nose entitled kid” after airing his address to the Republican National Convention (RNC).

CNN aired Sandmann’s address after the northern Kentucky teenager offered a damning indictment of the mainstream media’s coverage of his confrontation with Native American elder Nathan Phillips at the Lincoln Memorial in January 2019.

One year later, CNN settled a defamation lawsuit with Sandmann for an undisclosed amount stemming from its coverage of the encounter, wherein the group of students on the National Mall for the March for Life were harassed by members of the Black Hebrew Israelites. read more

23 Comments on CNN Political Analyst Calls Nick Sandmann ‘Snot Nose’ Kid After Airing Speech That Tore Them To Shreds

  1. if u was tgatv’snot nose kid’ I’d have my lawyers check the terms CNN signed to decide if another cash withdrawal is called for but this time with an apology by every single talking head at CNN to be read when they take to the air, one by one, all day until all have begged for forgiveness.

  2. Hello, Mr. Lockhart?
    I’m XXXXXXX Esq. I’m from the lawfirm who represented Nick Sandman when he successfuly sued your employer, CNN for defamation. Do you have anything to say regarding your Tweet from last night?

  3. Looks like CNN better start digging for pennies now for another lawsuit settlement, only this time all those at CNN involved with this be fired & stipulated they can no longer work as reporters / journalists for the rest of their lives.

  4. I guess that’s why I forgot Joe Lockhart’s name but remember Nicholas Sandeman’s name.
    And I couldn’t find CNN on my remote without looking it up.

    Nobody watches CZZzzNN. You used to pretend to do News, right? Tree. Forest. You know the proverb.

  5. Pogo nailed it.
    Defamation lawsuit settlement agreements generally contain a nondisparagement clause prohibiting one side from doing what Lockhart did to the other side, young Mr. Sandman, last night. CNN just made the kid a little bit better off than he was before his speech. Nice.

  6. @ PHenry
    Please talk to my elderly parents about CNN.
    I actually called them out about it one day,they watch it 24/7.
    My dad called me a retard.I love them but i need some wiggle room .Thanks
    Oh, i forgot to mention i live in Canada.

  7. @Alexb

    What’s the difference between CNN and the CBC? Two letters, that’s about it. Both networks support every foul thing that’s going on.

    Have the riots started in Canada yet? Every rotten thing in the US also happens in Canada, maybe just a little bit later.

  8. @Alexb.

    Sorry. I have no advice. I jettisoned some long time friends over politics and I am sick about it.
    Family means you have to endure your differences, and use inconvenient facts, most of which they are unaware of. Because they watch CNN.

  9. @Alexb – I hear you, my mom rest her soul, we did not agree. She actually LOVED Bill.

    I grew up with elderly god bless them, blue dog dem parents as in WWII parents.

    Just keep your shit together, you’ll be fine, your ‘Wiggle Room’ is here at iOTW.

    It’s okay not to agree with your folks position. Just don’t argue with them about it, it’s not worth it.

    IF you have brothers and sisters??? THAT IS ANOTHER STORY.

    Whether in the Great White North or Down Here the story is and remains the same.

    Family is mandated and friends are chosen.


  10. The most fun would be to read the settlement with CNN had a provision that after the date of the settlement any dumb ass broadcaster on CNN who slandered Nick Sandmann again would have to pay out of his own pocket. That would never happen, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Lockhart going bankrupt backing up his mouth.


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