CNN Poll (lol) Says GOP Frontrunner Against Biden is………. – IOTW Report

CNN Poll (lol) Says GOP Frontrunner Against Biden is……….

…….. ***** *****

This illustrates perfectly how useless a CNN poll is.


A new CNN poll has some bad but familiar news for President Biden: Most Democrats would prefer a different nominee because of his age. The poll found that 67% of Democrats or Democratic-leaning voters say they wish the party would nominate someone else. Among these voters, the concern most often mentioned directly was age (49%), along with mental acuity (7%) and health (7%). Another interesting nugget came when Biden was matched up against the top GOP nominees in hypothetical one-on-one races. In this scenario—in which voters of both parties were questioned—only one Republican defeated him by an amount beyond the margin of error of 3.5 percentage points: Nikki Haley, not Donald Trump.

  • Haley 49%, Biden 43%
  • Trump 47%, Biden 46%
  • Mike Pence 46%, Biden 44%
  • Ron DeSantis 47%, Biden 47%
  • Tim Scott 46%, Biden 44%
  • Chris Christie 44%, Biden 42%
  • Vivek Ramaswamy was the only top candidate to lose to Biden, by a margin of 46% to 45%

12 Comments on CNN Poll (lol) Says GOP Frontrunner Against Biden is……….

  1. If you listen to Clay and Buck’s radio show, Clay has gone full wonk on polls, with Buck cautioning the election is over a year away. Message to Clay: enough – this isn’t sports betting. Stay on message.

  2. Trader Joe resigns in disgrace. Preezy Heals Up Harris picks Big Mike as Veep and they work a deal where Heals Up won’t run for President and get the first Supreme opening. So Barry continues pulling the strings and running the USA into the ground in his fourth term.

  3. Mm, to right. I agree, this is the cabal using a mouthpiece to position NH as the preferred globalist neocon alternative to Manchelle.

    Romney lite, the predetermined uniparty putz to gracefully lose to the Wookie…

    The Pedo will be gone soon, notice as the heat turns up he becomes more of a vegetable.

    Commieliar is on place to issue the pardons and step aside for Mike’s big swinging dick.

    This has been ValJars plan all along, Bet on it.

  4. Even democrat voters dislike heavily the anti-civil rights Ku Klux Klan associate member Joe Biden. THEY know he’s in big trouble and HE knows it also. KKKJoe is like used chewing gum, tasteless and useful for nothing.

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