CNN ratings dropped in November – IOTW Report

CNN ratings dropped in November

Breitbart: Far-left CNN once again failed to place even one show in the top 20 throughout the month. With only two other cable news outlets for competition, Chris Cuomo’s primetime hour ranked the highest in November, coming in at a humiliating 23rd place with a measly average of just 1.2 million total viewers.

Fox News was so dominant in November, that every single one of its shows (other than the pre-dawn Fox & Friends First) topped every single CNN show — included Outnumbered Overtime, Fox & Friends, and The Story.

Of the top 20 shows, Fox News earned 12 of those slots, while the rest went to MSNBC. For the 8th month in a row, Sean Hannity topped the list with 3.026 million average viewers. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow came in second with 2.9 million.  more here

12 Comments on CNN ratings dropped in November

  1. CNNs ratings have remained constant in this household. That directtv makes me pay for a network I haven’t watched in over ten years makes me want to fight directtv. I suspect they charge me plenty.

  2. IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT! No. Really. It really is because of Trump. He told the unvarnished truth, over and over, until it just couldn’t be ignored anymore. CNN doesn’t lie anymore now than they always have. Trump just made everybody talk about it. And the folks at CNN are so unfamiliar with being held accountable that they played right into his hands. They gave the subject more airtime than Trump ever did by trying to chastise him and comparing him to dictators and despots who murder journalist. The man is either luckiest S.O.B in the world or he’s a freaking genius.


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