CNN says it can be a positive thing to be a cuckold – IOTW Report

CNN says it can be a positive thing to be a cuckold

Does everyone know what a cuckold is?

There are two meanings. Neither flattering. Typically it’s a man that doesn’t put up a fight when his wife is sleeping with another man, often a man much better in the sack than him.

It can also mean a man unwittingly caring for offspring that he thinks is his but is another man’s.

CNN thinks this can be a positive thing. I look forward to their essay on how it could be a positive thing to smash your testicles with a rubber hammer and flounce around in the public square with an empty sack.

21 Comments on CNN says it can be a positive thing to be a cuckold

  1. Pretty sure that when most men dream of cuckholding, it’s about banging the hot wife of some guy they hate. Only a worthless piece of shit would want to play the retard whose wife fucks every other guy in town under his nose.

    This us just more gaslighting from the asshole left to see how many morons out there are willing to degrade themselves just to get a pat on the head from progtard central control.

  2. You gotta love CNN. They can’t find even a “smidgen” of corruption on any of their gods to investigate, but they pay reporters to write about pussyboys and lecherous women. If we ever get around to the jailings and hangings so long overdue, can we also start charging media people with sedition. Maybe a few can end up like such notaries as Ernst Rohm.

  3. So all the soy-boys at CNN are being cuckolded. And are familiar with the term… Ha. (Even though I live in flyover country, I read a book once, CNN.)

    So now they have to justify their failure, as most cuckolds are suspicious, but fool/lie to themselves that nothing is goin’ on.

  4. Homosexual cucksuckers from CNN like the child raping homos don lemon and anderson cooper accept other mens cucks in their mouths and rectums. Then they giggle. And we are supposed to take what they say seriously? Nah.

  5. With all the cheating and immoral sexual behavior that has come from the media, Hollywood and Washington, are they trying to spin to make it acceptable? There is always a method to their madness.

  6. Teach em that it’s OK to suck dicks.
    Teach em that it’s OK for their bitches to fuck others.
    Teach em that speaking to women is “harassment.”

    Seems to be a trend, here.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. CNN can just keep revealing themselves for what they are,
    I just know if any of them bought a house next to mine,
    I’d be up on charges after the first summer bbq with the neighbors.
    (happy to say I love my neighbors and they would probably say the same thing)

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