CNN Sends Reporter To Bangkok To Take Seriously a Prostitute That Wants Asylum in Exchange For “Dirt” on President – IOTW Report

CNN Sends Reporter To Bangkok To Take Seriously a Prostitute That Wants Asylum in Exchange For “Dirt” on President


CNN is dispatching reporters around the world to help dig up clues and finally get to the bottom of the Trump campaign’s Russia ties. Last month the network infamously sent a reporter to St. Petersburg, where he literally dug around a dumpsterlooking for leads.

Today CNN sent a reporter to Bangkok to speak with a prostitute who claims to have the goods on the Trump camp’s alleged collusion with Russia. The woman, Anastasia Vashukevich, who is also a self-described “sex coach,” is currently imprisoned, and hopes that America will offer her asylum in exchange for her story.


Next stop, Wingdale, where a guy who thinks he’s Stalin will give CNN an exclusive on Trump/Russia collusion.

17 Comments on CNN Sends Reporter To Bangkok To Take Seriously a Prostitute That Wants Asylum in Exchange For “Dirt” on President

  1. I heard a 5 y.o. the other day mumbled something about Trump and Russia but maybe he was saying something about a dump truck rushing away. I am really not sure but CNN needs to get on it–fast.

  2. Huh, and yet if you were to ask CNN for any info on BO’s history, all you’d hear is the sound of crickets and a faint voice saying “Bueller, Bueller”.

  3. There must be some intrepid investigators out there that can rummage for some sleazy tidbits on some of these leftist reporters. Post the info for the country to see and see how they like there private lives exposed. I imagine after a few are outed that they won’t be so quick to throw mud. Besides, it’ll provide lots of laughs.

  4. “Well, Wolf, I’ve been interviewing prostitutes all day and I’m exhausted. I’m going to take a nap and some penicillin now, and I’ll report back tomorrow with any further breaking news.”

  5. Great story CNN. Now have your man in Bancock skip over to South Africa and interview the black guy taking over the farms of white guys. His name is Julius Malema and he is the leader of MEFF, Marxist Economic Freedom Fighters. A fine fella, by all accounts. I know you can do it CNN. Let the world know WTFs going on in S/A

  6. Remember when the left had a field day about Sarah Palin being able to see Russia from Alaska?
    Funny how no one makes fun of the left when they see Russia from the private parts of a Thai hoe.

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