CNN suspended global affairs correspondent Elise Labott for two weeks over a tweet. – IOTW Report

CNN suspended global affairs correspondent Elise Labott for two weeks over a tweet.

There’s no Left Wing bias in the media.

CNN suspended global affairs correspondent Elise Labott for two weeks over a tweet that followed today’s House vote affecting Syrian refugees trying to enter this country.

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13 Comments on CNN suspended global affairs correspondent Elise Labott for two weeks over a tweet.

  1. She’s not suspended because she’s a left wing twit.
    She’s suspended because she openly exposed both herself and her network as being leftwing asses. She’s supposed to pretend to be unbiased.

  2. I’m sick of these left wing morons spouting off like the statue of liberty somehow supposedly sets immigration policy for America. It’s a statue with an inscription on it……… nothing more. We already have more wretched refuse and useless huddled masses than we can handle – we don’t need or want anymore!

  3. It’s the full on arrogance that is so breathtaking. Progtards think nothing of saying these things because they truly believe everyone who matters agrees with them. The howling that goes up on election night 2016 will be almost painful to witness.

  4. That the Statue of Liberty was designed by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi & built by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, two very prominent Freemasons of their time, only serves to fuel the flames of the purported Masonic-Zionist world conspiracy that is sold daily in Middle Eastern agitprop & so rarely mentioned in the Western Press.

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