CNN to impose a “net 90” payment term on freelance employees beginning in June – IOTW Report

CNN to impose a “net 90” payment term on freelance employees beginning in June

Daily Caller: CNN is reportedly set to impose a “net 90” payment term on freelance employees beginning in June, meaning the company’s freelancers will be paid just once every three months.

“In a blow to their financial stability, CNN sent a letter to several of the network’s freelancers this week, extending their payment terms to net 90 (payment 90 days after invoice). The change is to ‘be better aligned with our corporate requirements,’” a Twitter user named Marcus DiPaola said on Tuesday night.

The move has met with significant blowback.

“Net 90 is NOT a reasonable payment term for people who must pay rent every 30 days,” Freelancers Union Executive Director Caitlin Pierce wrote on Thursday. “CNN is effectively asking freelancers to finance the cash flow of a multi-billion dollar company by waiting one quarter of a year for payment.”

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11 Comments on CNN to impose a “net 90” payment term on freelance employees beginning in June

  1. Pssstttt. . .
    “net 90” freelancers and ubermates
    If you secretly voluteer to get paid in crypto currency . . . THEY will boost your payout card an extra free 15 percent extra no strings visible.
    Redeem at any participating online only retailer.
    ACT Today for free 151 BOOSTER Club Pack Savings.

  2. As a result of the new policy CNN suffers a class action suit from free lance writers who claim CNN discriminates against transgender, people of color, women, homosexuals, lesbians, pedophiles, and illegal immigrants who don’t speak English. They also claim withholding pay for 90 days is racist, and contributes to climate change.

  3. This move may send the Mexican economy into a tailspin with the interruption of cash flow from illegal alien employees.
    “Chit man, this will make it tuff, but we still have free food, school and healthcare from the state.”

  4. Not only that but they’ll be paid in cash with genuine Obama Bux!
    Welp! I guess it’s back to the circus time for some of them then.
    Meanwhile CNN will just have to depend more and more on the 500 house Chimps randomly typing up shit in the back room while news readers up in the front room throws it at their viewers!

  5. …CNN freelancers are supposed to hate our President so much that THEY should be paying CNN for BROADCASTING their fictions and facilitating their attacks on the United States.

    Wassa matta, fellas, not down for The Cause?

  6. “Not a reasonable term for people who must pay rent every 30 days,”

    Of course the other dirty little secret buried here is that when the rent is due and they’re hungry, they’ll say anything CNN wants to hear!
    CNN’s philosophy here must be “let’s make ’em even hungrier, then we’ll really get the good stuff!!”

  7. And if you’re already living paycheck to paycheck, that’s going to be disastrous.
    But I’m sure the landlord and utility companies will be good with paying every 3 months, right?
    Hope they don’t owe on student loans…

  8. “‘The change is to ‘be better aligned with our corporate requirements,’ a Twitter user named Marcus DiPaola said on Tuesday night.”

    “The change is to ‘be better aligned with our negative bottom line,’ a Twitter user named Marcus DiPaola said on Tuesday night.” There. Fixed it for you.


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