CNN Turns Activist and Aids the Left in the Demonetization of Political Adversaries – IOTW Report

CNN Turns Activist and Aids the Left in the Demonetization of Political Adversaries

Zero Hedge-

CNN has taken it upon themselves to contact companies whose advertisements have been played on the InfoWars-linked Alex Jones Channel on YouTube, resulting in a flood of major brands blacklisting the channels for future ad spending.

The various brands purchased ad campaigns from marketing agencies or directly through YouTube parent company Google – which direct advertisements at specific demographics. Companies often don’t know where their ads are displayed, however they can use exclusion filters to black list channels or content they don’t wish to advertise with.

InfoWars isn’t the first conservative outlet to suffer from politically motivated advertising hits. In November 2016, was dropped by AppNexus – one of the largest digital ad agencies in the world.

“We did a human audit of Breitbart and determined there were enough articles and headlines that cross that line, using either coded or overt language,” said Josh Zietz of AppNexus. “This blacklist was solely about hate speech violation.”

In any case, with InfoWars facing attacks on all fronts, it looks like they’ll be down to water filters and health supplements going forward as liberal activists such as CNN target their primary source of income.


ht/ WiscoDave

12 Comments on CNN Turns Activist and Aids the Left in the Demonetization of Political Adversaries

  1. It’s beyond obvious that the liberals in America are hell bent on dividing and conquering this country.
    Liberalism should be outlawed and liberals should be shot.

  2. It’s almost like people (who still haven’t figured out how to “cut the cable”) are going to have to contact their cable TV carriers, and explain that if they are still carrying CNN, even “for free” after a certain date (give ’em at least a month, a very few would be better) that the customer will be dropping service. Maybe that means you’ll have to switch to an “internet only” package, if that’s the only option available to you. Better to see what “the phone company” has on offer, before you call.

  3. Communist News Nutcases… somebody needs to start an “extinction clock” app on them. 😡

    My money would be, they go extinct shortly AFTER Trump win’s re-election in 2020. >:->

  4. CNN isn’t going bankrupt. I don’t understand how they make money, but apparently they do. Do not be surprised if there are large corporate entities, beside the parent company Times-Warner, backing them with “DC-style book deal-like” advertising contracts. I would not be surprised if CIA front companies pay them.

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